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A recent article of Flesaker and Hughston introduces a one factor interest rate model called the rational lognormal model. This model has a lot to recommend it including guaranteed finite positive interest rates and analytic tractability. Consequently, it has received a lot of attention among...
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This paper proposes the sample path generation method for the stochastic volatility version of the CGMY process. We present the Monte-Carlo method for European and American option pricing with the sample path generation and calibrate model parameters to the American style S&P 100 index options...
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We revise previous literature about Fisher Effect, in order to check if the majority of nominal interest rates movements are caused by inflation rate fluctuations, remaining constant the real interest rate. Finally, we analyse the Fisher Effect in the Spanish case with a preliminary analysis in...
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Széleskörűen elterjedt az a nézet, hogy a határidős árfolyamok alapvetően a piaci szereplők várakozásait tükrözik. A tanulmány bemutatja, hogy a fedezett kamatparitás teljesülése, valamint a kamatlábak és devizaárfolyamok eltérő viselkedése meglehetősen gyakran...
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A pénzügyi piacok folyamatait vizsgálva, érdekes rejtély tárul fel: a korábban több szempontból jónak ítélhető kamat- és árfolyam-várakozások a kúszó árfolyamrendszer bevezetése után tévesnek bizonyultak. Vajon a piac szereplői nem hittek az előre bejelentett...
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This paper proposes an asymmetric kernel-based method for nonparametric estimation of scalar diffusion models of spot interest rates. We derive the asymptotic theory for the asymmetric kernel estimators of the drift and diffusion functions for general and positive recurrent processes and...
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This paper surveys some recent developments in the theory of capital markets. Particular emphasis is given to two strands of the literature. The first covers some recent and fundamental extensions to the theory of risk aversion and the demand for risky assets. These papers are concerned with the...
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We present a quantitative study of the evolution of markets and models during the recent crisis. In particular, we focus on the fixed income market and we analyze the most relevant empirical evidence regarding the divergence between Libor and OIS rates, the explosion of basis swaps spreads, and...
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A new class of foreign equity option pricing model is suggested that not only allows for the volatility but also for the correlation coefficient to vary stochastically over time. A modified Jacobi process is proposed to evaluate risk premium of the stochastic correlation, and a partial...
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We construct probability forecasts for episodes of price deflation (i.e., a falling price level) using yields on nominal and real U.S. Treasury bonds. The deflation probability forecasts identify two “deflation scares” during the past decade: a mild one following the 2001 recession and a...
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