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This study estimates the relative size of the non-productivity-related gender wage gap across industries with differing knowledge intensities. More specifically, a gender wage premium was estimated from a modified Mincerian earnings equation, and an Oaxaca's discrimination coefficient was...
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This paper aims to verify the existence of gender-based wage discrimination in Spain and, if so, to quantify it. Using data from the Spanish section of the European Community Household Panel, we first estimate earnings equations for men and women using the instrumental variable method proposed...
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This paper analyses whether marital status has a significant effect on wages and whether it is a determinant of the gender gap. We use the stochastic frontier approach to explain the differences between the potential and the observed wage that an individual could obtain, given his or her human...
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This paper extends the search with discrimination framework by introducing jobs that are constrained by equal wage policies, and endogenous job destruction that creates Becker-like competitive pressure on prejudiced firms. The model predicts a number of stylized facts observed in the U.S. labor...
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This paper documents two new findings linking firm-size and gender pay gaps to informal employment using micro-level data from Turkey. First, we show that the firm-size wage gap, defined as larger firms paying higher wages to observationally equivalent workers, is greater for informal employment...
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The public-private sector wage gap in Scotland in 2000 is analysed using the extension sample of the British Household Panel Study (BHPS). Employing a switching regression model, and testing for double sample selection from the participation decision and sector choice, the wage gap is shown to...
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This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of decomposition methods that have been developed since the seminal work of Oaxaca and Blinder in the early 1970s. These methods are used to decompose the difference in a distributional statistic between two groups, or its change over time, into...
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The article deals with the problem of union representation in the low-pay-sector. Regarding especially (but not only) the situation in Germany, it claims a cultural gap between traditional unions and employees in the expanding precarious job sector. This is due to the difficult circumstances for...
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While available evidence suggests that the events of September 11th negatively influenced the relative earnings of employees with Arab background in the US, it is not clear that they had similar effects in other countries. Our study for Germany provides evidence that the events also affected the...
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A minimálbér-szabályozás alapvető dilemmája, hogy amennyiben eredményes a kereseteloszlás alján lévők túlzott kereseti hátránya elleni küzdelemben, mellékhatásként foglalkoztatási kilátásaik romlását idézheti elő. Ez az írás a legalacsonyabb iskolázottságúak...
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