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Pollution of the River Murray by salt imposes costs on domestic and industrial users in Adelaide and to irrigators on the River Murray. Salt enters the Murray-Darling system through saline ground water aquifers and from irrigation and drainage of saline land. Irrigation and drainage generate...
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Mit der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie hat die EU einen juristischen Rahmen geschaffen, alle aquatischen Ökosysteme zu schützen. Diese vornehmlich auf den Grundwasserschutz abzielende Maßnahme kann zu wirtschaftlichen Nachteilen für Landwirte führen. So wird die Feldberegnung als Möglichkeit...
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A zárttéri vadgazdálkodás, mint a vadgazdálkodás egyik rohamosan fejlődő területe, jelentős mértékben hozzájárulhat a vidéki térségek fejlesztéséhez, a foglalkoztatási viszonyok javításához, a jövedelemszerzési lehetőségek bővítéséhez, a versenyképes...
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The sustainability issue has gained importance during the last two and a half decades, starting with the UN Report “Our Common Future”. As the transformation to a sustainable economy is far from being an automatism, instruments to foster sustainable development are required. This demand has...
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In Finland the Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland (METSO) aims to halt the decline in forest habitats and species and establish stable favorable trends in forest biodiversity by 2016. Forest protection in the context of the METSO Programme is based on voluntary actions by...
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In the context of the Government’s Climate and Energy Strategy, it is estimated that the primary use of wood-based fuels in Finland will be about 100 TWh by the year 2020. The overall target set for forest chips is 25 TWh. The objective of the research carried out by Metsäteho Oy and Pöyry...
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