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(VF)Cet article propose un cadre d’analyse renouvelé de la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise (RSE), afin de faciliter le développement de perspectives de recherches alternatives au paradigme fonctionnaliste. Ce modèle articule quatre perspectives alternatives sur l’interface...
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(VF)L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre l’institutionnalisation et la rationalisation des pratiques socialement responsables par les organisations en identifiant les processus d’institutionnalisation et de diffusion à l’œuvre. Récusant les enseignements de la sociologie...
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(VF)Les études sur la RSE sont dominées par une analyse descriptive des fondements éthiques de l’activité organisationnelle et par des recherches empiriques sur le lien entre performance sociale et performance financière de l’entreprise. L’objectif de cet article est de présenter...
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(VF)Le livre d’Howard Bowen, Social Responsibilities of the Businessman (1953) a un statut paradoxal. Reconnu comme l’un des travaux fondateurs sur la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise (RSE), il est très fréquemment cité alors même qu’il semble avoir été très peu lu et...
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Based on the results of the large-scale survey in Russian industrial enterprises we made an attempt to describe the dominant archetype of the Russian industrial firm in terms of strategic patterns, prevailing corporate trajectories and resulting competitive positioning. We have seen that the...
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Environmental and social aspects, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) play an increasingly important role in Western societies. Their role in the Hungarian business sphere has been growing continuously since the removal of the Socialist regime at the...
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Several factors direct the companies to apply a higher level of corporate social responsibility: the increasing expectations of customers, changes in expectations of employees, laws and government pressure, investor interest in the social criteria and changes in supply practices The basic...
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The world must be developed according to the needs of people, but with the obligation of sustainable development as a comprehensive process that depress all aspects of life, at all levels. Sustainable development is about making models in a qualitative way to meet the socio-economic needs and...
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Transformational leadership has been defined as a process by which leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation (Burns, 1978). This paper examines the concepts of transformational leadership and intercultural communication competence. A deeper insight is...
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This paper aims to emphasize the gaps between the cultural profiles of high-tech companies from Japan, Romania, Tunisia and Turkey in the context of open innovation approach. The goal is to assess the cultural profiles of the firms included in the sample, by determining a percentage distribution...
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