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The purpose of this study is to determine the applications of hotel establishments in the scope of operational risk. In this context, a survey was applied to the managers of four and five star hotel establishments in Ankara/Turkey. According to the factor analysis done after the literature...
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Serviciile de consultanţă pentru proiectele cu finanţare europeană nerambursabilă prezintă unele particularităţi notabile. Acestea se referă la procesul de selectare a consultanţilor, derularea misiunii de consultanţă şi modalităţile de plată a serviciilor. În lipsa unor...
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The main task of this research is to create a model of coordination growth drivers in a firm’s operation. When looking for the source of growth in a firm, the focus falls on the possibilities for sustainable development of tourism business. The theoretical model reflects the organization and...
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The SQAM services refer to standardization, quality insurance and conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology. The main instruments that ensure the free circulation of merchandise on the big European market are the European directives, harmonized standards, accreditation, conformity...
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A succinct exploration of business sustainability via an e-commerce platform was examined in the study. Its myth and reality permeate its adoption, use, and acceptability within the context of our economic, social, and environmental assumptions were also validated. To achieve its aim,...
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Purpose: The study explores how forces of disruption and innovation affect the printing industry in an emerging market context and how incumbent firms respond to the challenges associated with these forces. Design; methodology approach: The research is an exploratory study based on qualitative...
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The structure and location of firms in today’s world is influenced by, amongst other factors, information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet, Voice-over-Ip telephony and others. We have presented the general conditions of the “New Economy” and its transformations...
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The accounting activity depends on the general management which has as an objectiveto accomplish its functions within the organisation’s financial and patrimonial area. Naturally, wecan not talk about an efficient management without an efficient accounting activity. For this reason,the present...
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A cikk a szolgáltatások és azon belül a vállalatoknak nyújtott üzleti szolgáltatások magyar gazdaságfejlődésben játszott szerepét vizsgálja nemzetközi összehasonlí-tásban. Az üzleti szolgáltatások terjedelmének ÁKM alapú becslését követően részletesebben elemzi a...
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