Showing 1 - 10 of 26
The response of human capital accumulation to changes in the anticipated returns to schooling determines the type of skills supplied to the labor market, the productivity of future cohorts, and the evolution of inequality. Unlike the US, the UK or Germany, Spain has experienced since 1995 a drop...
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Comparamos el comportamiento del mercado laboral bajo negociación a nivel de empresa y a nivel de sector en una economía de tipo Mortensen-Pissarides con un sector y con perturbaciones específicas a la empresa. Nuestros resultados teóricos principales son dos. Primero, el desempleo es menor...
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Una caída de la actividad agregada conlleva una reducción de la demanda de empleo, que es tanto mayor cuanto más rígidos sean los salarios. Este artículo examina el impacto de la rigidez salarial en España sobre la evolución del empleo entre 2009 y 2010. La extensión de los convenios...
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El artículo utiliza diferentes datos y enfoques para analizar el impacto en el empleo del incremento del SMI en 2019. Del análisis se desprende que, tras el incremento del SMI en dicho año, hubo un menor crecimiento del empleo del colectivo con menores salarios. El artículo desarrolla varios...
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This paper studies the impact of downward wage rigidity on wage and employment dynamics after the outbreak of major recessions in Spain. Downward wage rigidity stems from collective agreements, which set province-sector-skill-specific minimum wage floors for all workers. By exploiting variation...
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With an increasingly open economic condition in Thailand, insurance firms exposed to competition should improve efficiency to ensure their survival. This paper examines the cost efficiency and its relationship with profitability of life insurance firms: Cobb-Douglas stochastic cost frontier...
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This paper re-examines the evidence on how the listing of options impacts on underlying stock’s volatility by taking into consideration the possible presence of a learning effect, along with the impact of the very endogenous nature of the options listing decision itself. Our analyses are...
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This study aims to determine the influence of return on assets (ROA), debt to asset ratio (DAR), firm size (SIZE), the public shareholding (KSP) on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility, either simultaneously or partially on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange....
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The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the effect of Cash Position, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, Firm Size and Shareholder Dispersion significantly to the Dividend Payout Ratio on the Banking Industry and Manufacturing Industry is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange.This...
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The purposes of this research is to know the factors influence of social disclosure. The variables that tested are the common stock, leverage, firm size, and profitability. The research is on real estate and property company that listed on Indonesian Common Stock Exchange between 2008 and 2009....
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