Showing 1 - 10 of 29
Am 2. Februar 2005 hat die Europäische Kommission den Neustart der Lissabon-Strategie für die Europäische Union (EU) verkündet. Diese Strategie soll die Grundlage bilden für die Bewältigung des dringenden Bedarfs der EU an mehr Wirtschaftswachstum, Arbeitsplätzen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit...
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Der vermehrte Anbau von Agrartreibstoffen, der auch in Kolumbien forciert wird, hat unter anderem Auswirkungen auf die kolumbianische Landwirtschaft und die ländliche Bevölke-rung. Die Diplomarbeit untersucht, ob sich unter dem bestehenden internationalen Agrarsys-tem, der Agrarsituation in...
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The Chinese state undertakes large scale investments in a number of countries under the auspices of economic cooperation related investment (ECI). While there are suggestions that it is an extension of China‟s soft power aimed at facilitating Chinese FDI in those countries, often for access to...
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Does natural resource abundance decrease Latin American Foreign Direct Investment? This paper studies the effects of natural resource abundance on foreign direct investment (FDI), by focusing on inequality as the channel that links these two variables. Two arguments in the literature inspire...
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Many Americans are getting sick of the way things have become and the way things are, from the government to the quality of food we put into our bodies. We are upon a new frontier, people are changing the way they live and consume. The days of quantity over quality are fading. Many consumers are...
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The oil industry is the richest and most influential industry in the world. The industry has moved the fates of nations. Oil is required to fight wars and exert power, and the restriction of this energy source is paramount to the restriction of movement, control, and in the end, power....
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This dissertation examines whether the vicious circle theory applies in three developing countries characterized by high population growth. According to the vicious circle theory, natural resource scarcity coupled with poverty leads to population growth via positive effects on fertility...
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Morocco and Tunisia have both achieved robust economic growth over the last 30 years by utilizing prudent economic planning and implementation. The World Bank heralds both countries as prime examples of how market-friendly capitalist systems can be implemented over a short period of time with...
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Despite the voluminous literature on North-South macroeconomic interactions and the key role of terms of trade variations in growth transmission from one region to another, a significant research gap persists for two reasons. First, there has been very little empirical work on testing of the...
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This dissertation explores how economic institutions governing finance and investment have contributed to growth in reform-era China. Economic and political reforms transformed Chinas prior centrally-planned economy. Although reforms incorporated elements of market institutions and private...
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