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In this study an import demand model (differential production model) is presented that is used in estimating the demand for source and product differentiated goods simultaneously. Unlike the traditional import demand models, this model can account for changes in relative group expenditures....
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Cointegration analysis and an Error Correction Model are used to estimate aggregate seafood import demand functions for selected Caribbean countries. The results show that seafood import demand is price elastic. Exchange rate has a negative effect on seafood import quantity. Income and tourist...
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This report provides summaries of the papers and discussions atthe third Consortium on Trade Research held in Washington, D.C.,June 23-24, 1981. The cochairmen of the consortium wereT. Kelley White, Economic Research Service (ERS), George E.Rossmiller, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), and...
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O artigo discute a formação e as características de um arranjo produtivo local tendocomo base os elementos: cooperação, governança e inovação. Para isso resgata-se naliteratura econômica os conceitos teóricos fundamentais de firma, inovação econcorrência, apresentando na última...
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O presente artigo, com base em uma pesquisa bibliográfica, traça um panorama do agronegócio de flores e plantas ornamentais no Brasil. Ressalta os principais aspectos do setor como produção, mercado consumidor e dificuldades. A floricultura vem se expandindo consideravelmente, antes...
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Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar o desempenho econômico do Projeto de Assentamento Barra do Feijão localizado no município de Tabuleiro do Norte-CE no ano de 2005. Utilizou-se a renda como indicador de desempenho para atingir o objetivo proposto. Este indicador foi decomposto da mesma...
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O mercado nacional de FLV (frutas, legumes e verduras) vem crescendo significativamente nos últimos anos. Contudo, devido à grande perecibilidade destes produtos, a qualidade dos mesmos está condicionada a processos de padronização, seleção, classificação, embalagem e transporte...
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Index-based weather insurances are innovative tools for mitigating weather risks in agriculture.Several donor agencies and development organisations are investing substantially topropagate these programmes in developing countries. However, often due to high basis risks,these products mitigate...
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Leakage in the fuel market differs, depending on whether ethanol production is determined by a tax credit or consumption mandate. Two components of market leakage are distinguished: domestic and international. Leakage with both a tax credit and a consumption mandate depends on market...
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Even though recent discussions on food prices and indirect land use change point atpotential conflicts associated with the production of biofuels the appraisal of biofuels as an effective instrument to slow down climate change and reduce energy dependency still prevails. The EU Renewable Energy...
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