Showing 81 - 90 of 212
In developing and transition economies, microlending has become an effective instrument for providing micro businesses with the necessary financial resources to launch operations. In the industrialized countries, with their highly developed banking systems, however, there has been ongoing debate...
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We present an empirical framework to analyze real-world sales-force compensation schemes. The model is flexible enough to handle quotas and bonuses, output-based commission schemes, as well as "ratcheting" of compensation based on past performance, all of which are ubiquitous in actual...
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Seitdem im Herbst 2008 die Weltwirtschaft durch die Suprimekrise erschüttert wurde, ist auch Deutschland in eine wirtschaftliche Krise geraten. So konnte einhergehend mit steigender Kurzarbeit ein Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit beobachtet werden. Aufgrund jener Tatsache kann angenommen werden,...
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Die Produktlebenszyklusanalyse ist ein wichtiges Instrument der Produktpolitik. Verschiedene Diffusionsmodelle werden in der Theorie und Praxis angewendet, um Aussagen über künftige Umsatzverläufe zu erhalten. Die mathematische Modellierung geht grundsätzlich von einem deterministischen...
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The delisting of brands is frequently used by retailers to strengthen their negotiating position with the manufacturers and suppliers of their product assortment. However, retailers and manufacturers have to consider the risk of potential reactions when customers are faced with a reduced or...
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We investigate how consumer word of mouth (WOM) develops over time and in turn influences new product adoption. We develop a dynamic aggregate-level model of WOM development and new product diffusion that explicitly captures consumers’ learning of product quality from both marketing...
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We analyze the strategic behavior of firms when demand is determined by a rule of thumb behavior of consumers. We assume consumer dynamics where individual consumers follow simple behavioral decision rules governed by imitation and habit as suggested in consumer research. On this basis, we...
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In diesem Arbeitspapier geht es um die Interessenorganisation des wirtschaftlichen Mittelstands im politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Freien Berufe werden dabei als integraler Bestandteil des wirtschaftlichen Mittelstands angesehen. Ausgehend von der Hypothese, daß die diese...
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