Showing 1 - 10 of 786
Die gemeinsame Besteuerung von Ehepartnern im Rahmen des Ehegattensplittings ist nach wie vor ein großes Hemmniss der Erwerbsbeteiligung von verheirateten Frauen am Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland. In ihrem aktuellen Finanzkonzept fordert die SPD, das Ehegattensplitting durch eine...
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In this contribution employment effects of wage subsidies and a minimum wage are analyzed for Germany. Existing studies for the construction sector and simulations of a statutory minimum wage unanimously point to employment losses of a general minimum wage for Germany. The magnitude of the...
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The aim of this paper is to analyse how Spanish taxpayers responded to the introduction of the dual personal income tax model in 2007. The authors estimate the elasticity of taxable income (ETI) with respect to the marginal net tax rate for different groups of taxpayers by sex, marital status...
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The influence of politics on economic policy is not fully understood. The challenge to ensure political inclusiveness and economic prosperity remains. Perhaps, one way to attain this objective is by increasing political competition. This paper gathers empirical evidence from Pakistan, a country...
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Germany is characterised by large gender gaps in the labour market. Both the gender pay gap as well as the gender gap in working hours are among the highest in Europe. Family policy reforms such as increasing the parental leave period that is ear-marked for fathers as well as reducing the high...
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Generous income support programs as provided by European welfare states have often been blamed to hamper employment. This paper investigates the importance of incentives inherent in the tax-benefit system for the individual decision to take up work. Using German microdata over the period...
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The joint taxation of married couples in Germany with full income splitting is still a major hindrance to the participation of married women in the labor market. In their current financial proposals, the SPD (Social Democratic Party) is calling for income splitting for married couples to be...
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Gegenwärtig übt das Sozialsystem in der Bundesrepublik einige Fehlanreize aus, die eine Aufnahme von Erwerbstätigkeit im Niedriglohnbereich wenig lohnend erscheinen lassen. Wie kann Abhilfe geschaffen werden?
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Mit der Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe bestehen nebeneinander zwei unterschiedliche, bedürftigkeitsabhängige …
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Der Mittelstandsbauch führt bei geringen und mittleren Einkommen zu einem schnell steigenden Grenzsteuersatz. Deshalb ist die Beseitigung des Mittelstandsbauchs im steuerpolitischen Diskurs ein bedeutendes Thema. Um diese Debatte mit Fakten zu unterstützen, hat das ifo Institut mögliche...
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