Showing 1 - 10 of 70
Seit einigen Jahren wird Biokohle - ein kohlenstoffreiches Produkt aus Biomasse - als eine viel versprechende Klimaschutzoption diskutiert. Insbesondere besteht die Möglichkeit, der Atmosphäre langfristig Kohlenstoffdioxid zu entziehen, indem Biokohle in den Boden eingearbeitet wird....
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In recent years, there has been much discussion about biochar - a carbonaceous product made of biomass - as a promising technique for mitigating climate change. In particular, this method has the potential to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for the long term by incorporating biochar...
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This article provides a deeper theoretical understanding of the linkages between land fragmentation and off-farm labor supply in China, and investigates this relationship empirically in a more direct way than does the existing literature. Drawing upon a rural household panel data set collected...
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We investigate environmental aspects of agriculture from a welfare economic perspective and show that both positive and negative effects exhibit the character of undepletable externalities. To internalise these externalities while taking equity concerns into account, we propose compensation of...
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We provide explorative insights on how farms which manage strong and successful growth affect farms in their neighbourhoods through spatial competition for land. The study is based on an exploratory analysis of repeated framed experiments within the business game FarmAgriPoliS (Appel & Balmann,...
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Ex-ante regulations and ex-post liabilities for using a new technology will induce additional costs for adopters. The standard model is advanced by including irreversibility and uncertainty and taking into account transaction costs of negotiating possible cost reductions. The case analysed is...
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Global climate change presents long-term risks to agriculture. In general, global climate change is expected to positively affect Russian agriculture. In high and middle latitudes, global warming would expand the growing season. Acreages of agricultural crops may expand toward the north,...
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This paper presents an integrated energy balance model of global and urban warming in the attributes/functionings framework à la Gorman-Lancaster-Sen and proposes a Global Warming Function and an Urban Warming Function. Also presented is a concept of Heat Island Integral, which measures the...
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This paper presents the results of a study into the application of landfill biogas by applying an example of a biogas power plant situated on-site at the municipal landfill in Opole (MSO). The objective of the study was to analyze the operation of a biogas power plant. During the study, the...
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The paper presents a novel method of rational management of solid waste, namely an example of a modern landfill with enhanced leachate recirculation - a bioreactor landfill. The aim of the paper was to compare modern solutions concerning waste storage with traditional methods in terms of...
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