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Many studies have documented a negative association between macroeconomic indicators and fertility in times of economic crisis. These studies are based on research designs that do not allow for excluding that the observed association is driven by confounders. The aim of the present paper is to...
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This article examines the implications of moving to Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) for data quality by analyzing the transition from Paper-and-Pencil (PAPI) to Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) on a subsample of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) conducted using...
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Die Deutschen öffnen sich dem Thema Zuwanderung: Immer weniger Deutsche ohne Migrationshintergrund, so zeigen die repräsentativen Daten dieses Berichts, fühlen sich durch Zuwanderung bedroht. Auch beim Thema Einbürgerung hat ein Wandel stattgefunden. Auf die Frage "Was ist für die Vergabe...
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This study aims to identify factors shaping attitude toward counterfeit products and their relative influence on attitude formation. This involves 200 potential and actual consumers of counterfeit products in an explanatory research. Antecedents of attitude toward counterfeit purchases extracted...
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In Spanish sports habits, there exists a clear increase of the institutionalised sports practice and a distinct trend of leisure and recreational sport. This motivates the current work as it is necessary to go deeply into the knowledge of this practice. The aims proposed are twofold. On the one...
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Die Wirtschaft in den Industrieländern unterliegt einem ständigen Anpassungsdruck. Wichtige aktuelle Treiber des Strukturwandels sind vor allem die Globalisierung, der technologische Fortschritt (insbesondere durch Digitalisierung und Automatisierung), die Demographie (durch Alterung und...
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Die Herstellung von Sicherheit inkorporiert häufig (proaktives) Handeln, das in die Grundbereiche menschlichen Lebens eingreift, ob als Einschränkung von Freiheiten oder als Neuformulierung dessen, was als "Privatheit" verstanden wird. Damit ist der Bereich der Sicherheit ein grundlegend...
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Germans are opening up to the topic of immigration: According to the representative data of this report, less and less Germans without a migration background feel threatened by immigration. Also, their attitude towards naturalization has changed. The question What is the decisive factor for...
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This research aims to find the determinants of participation on social organizations in Chile through a social capital approach, as well as to evaluate the existence of a positive effect between participation and household welfare. In the case of economic and local organizations several...
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Considering the present situation of the society of Iran and according to the effect of grand institution of waqf in resolving problems such as poverty, it is necessary to make an opportunity that new subject such as cash waqf being studied and examined. Hence, the purpose of this research is to...
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