Showing 1 - 10 of 116
This article provides a tool to study over time the distributions of income in a population, regardless the irregular distribution of data. We even approach Lorenz curves at the times when we lack the required data. Finally we apply the present technique to a European country where inequalities...
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The debate about the massive influx of refugees into Germany often focuses solely on the short-term costs. But while these expenditures are bound to be substantial in the coming years, the discussion neglects the long-term economic potential of a successful integration of refugees - often, young...
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Der starke Zustrom von Flüchtlingen heizt die Diskussionen in Deutschland an. Dabei wird oft nur auf kurzfristige Kosten geschaut, die in den kommenden Jahren zweifellos massiv sein werden. Dies versperrt den Blick auf potentielle Chancen, die die Zuwanderung - oftmals junger Menschen - der...
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One of the most interesting facts about the growth of developed nations, especially of the US growth, in the last three decades is significant growth of the ratio of the wage of skilled labor to that of unskilled labor. At the same time, existing evidence seems to suggest that the ratio of the...
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In this paper, the relation between the equality of income distribution and sustainable development is discussed. This issue is elaborated using theories of justice of John Stuart Mill, John Roemer, John Rawls and Amartya Sen.
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This paper analyzes and predicts the changes of relationship between income and fertility rate of cross-countries using a bivariate mixture model and a latent change score model. This paper has shown that there is a negative relationship between income and fertility rate, which is presented in...
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The Mincer equation—arguably the most widely used in empirical work—can be used to explain a host of economic, and even non-economic, phenomena. One such application involves explaining (and estimating) employment earnings as a function of schooling and labor market experience. The Mincer...
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Distributive value judgments based on the 'origins' of economic inequalities (e.g. circumstances and responsible choices) are increasingly evoked to argue that 'the worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal'. However, one may reasonably agree that distributive value...
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Mobile workers involve flows of labor and human capital and contribute to a more efficient allocation of resources. However, migration also changes relative wages, alters the distribution of skills and affects equality in the receiving society. The paper suggests that skilled immigration...
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Über die 90er Jahre hat die Ungleichheit der am Markt erzielten Bruttoeinkommen - Löhne und Gehälter, Unternehmer- sowie Vermögenseinkommen - in Deutschland zugenommen. Während die preisbereinigten Einkommen im Durchschnitt konstant blieben, gab es für die oberen 10 % der...
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