Showing 1 - 10 of 784
Experiments on revealed preference often use budget sets that are randomly and independently drawn according to some criteria for each participant. However, this means that the budget sets faced by different individuals are not the same. This paper proposes a method to control for these...
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We establish 16 good practice principles for modelling defined contribution pension plans. These principles cover the following issues: model specification and calibration; modelling quantifiable uncertainty; modelling member choices; modelling member characteristics, such as occupation and...
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For treatment effects—one of the core issues in modern econometric analysis—prediction and estimation are two sides of the same coin. As it turns out, machine learning methods are the tool for generalized prediction models. Combined with econometric theory, they allow us to estimate not only...
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We use the 2018 survey data from the Household, Income, and Labour Dynamic (HILDA) in Australia and the Household Economic Survey (HES) in New Zealand to investigate the retirement income sufficiency in Australia and New Zealand. Our baseline results indicate that the annuitized net wealth is...
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Die Anforderungen an die Finanzkompetenzen der Bevölkerung steigen aus einer Reihe von Gründen weiter an. Anhand des Datensatzes "Private Haushalte und ihre Finanzen" zeigt diese Studie, dass in Deutschland generell ein relativ hohes Niveau an Finanzkompetenz vorliegt; dennoch besteht hier...
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Why do some people make better financial decisions than others do? The level of financial literacy plays an important role: Quality schooling that also deals with financial issues likewise leads to better financial decisions. However, many studies neglect how parenting also influences financial...
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Warum treffen manche Leute bessere finanzielle Entscheidungen als andere? Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei das Niveau der Finanzbildung. Eine gute Schulbildung, die sich auch mit wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen auseinandersetzt, führt ebenfalls zu besseren Finanzentscheidungen. Viele Studien...
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The article aims at answering the following research question: is the Polish art market mature enough to look at art investment as an important element of portfolio diversification? To provide an answer, the Authors analyzed auctions in Poland from the period 1991-2010, which were published by...
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The broadest possible diversification of investments is considered an important strategy for minimizing investment risk. Most households in Germany do distribute their financial assets over several types of investment. However, investment behavior is only partially consistent with the overall...
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Eine möglichst breite Streuung der Geldanlagen gilt als eine wichtige Strategie der Risikominimierung bei Investitionsentscheidungen. Die Mehrzahl der Haushalte in Deutschland streut auch ihr Geldvermögen über mehrere Anlageformen. Ihr Anlageverhalten stimmt jedoch nur bedingt mit der von...
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