Showing 1 - 10 of 987
Modern portfolio theory is one of the most important investment decision tools in finances. In 1952 Harry Markowitz set the foundations of the Modern portfolio theory, since than this theory was a backbone of many studies that dealt with investment decisions. This research applies mean-variance...
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In this paper we study a higher moment diversification measure, the so-called diversification delta (Vermorken et al. (2012)), in a dynamic portfolio optimization context. Particularly, we set up an investment strategy that dynamically maximizes the diversification delta for a given set of...
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We study the gap between the state pension provided by the Italian pension system pre-Dini reform and post-Dini reform. The goal is to fill the gap between the old and the new pension by joining a defined contribution pension scheme and adopting an optimal investment strategy that is...
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The purpose of this article is to evaluate optimal expected utility risk measures (OEU) in a risk-constrained portfolio optimization context where the expected portfolio return is maximized. We compare the portfolio optimization with OEU constraint to a portfolio selection model using value at...
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In this paper, we establish an axiomatically founded generalized recursive smooth ambiguity model that allows for a separation among intertemporal substitution, risk aversion, and ambiguity aversion. We axiomatize this model using two approaches: the second-order act approach à la Klibanoff,...
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We commonly think of information as an instrument for better decisions, yet evidence suggests that people often decline free information in non-strategic scenarios. This paper provides a theory for how a dynamically-consistent decision maker can be averse to partial information as a consequence...
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Knowing the gender of a counterpart can be focal in the willingness to collaborate in team settings that resemble the classic coordination problem. This paper explores whether knowing a co-worker's gender affects coordination on the mutually beneficial outcome in a socially risky environment. In...
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In a novel experimental design, we study how social immobility affects the choice among distributional schemes in an experimental democracy. We design a two-period experiment in which subjects first choose a distributional scheme by majority voting (“social contract”). Then subjects engage...
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Aufgrund des noch weitgehend unausgebildeten kognitiven Vermögens kleiner Kinder müssen von ihren Eltern für sie tagtäglich größere und kleinere Entscheidungen stellvertretend getroffen werden. Die langfristigen Konsequenzen - insbesondere in der Humankapitalbildung - sind in der Regel von...
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We study the effect of embedding pairwise choices between lotteries within a choice list on measured risk attitude. Using an experiment with online workers, we find that subjects choose the risky lottery rather than a sure payment significantly more often when responding to a choice list. This...
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