Showing 1 - 10 of 835
Der vorliegende Aufsatz untersucht, inwieweit eine Temporalisierung der Organisation von Wertschöpfung im deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau eine branchenbezogene kollektive Tarifsetzung unterminieren kann. Zunächst wird auf theoretischer Ebene das Konzept einer „dienstleistungsorientierten...
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Die Artikel des Schwerpunktheftes setzen an verschiedenen inhaltlichen Dimensionen und Ebenen dieser Fragmentierung an: Auf der Arbeitsebene ist der Beitrag von Gabriele Fassauer und Silke Geithner angesiedelt, der die inner-organisatorische Bewaeltigung von Co-Konfiguration durch...
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The distribution of labour productivity is investigated by analyzing the longitudinal micro-level data set which contains the detailed financial conditions of large numbers of Japanese companies over the period 1996-2006. The authors show that the distribution of labour productivity in both the...
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This paper examines the impact of public sector borrowings on prices, interest rates, and output in Nigeria. It utilized a Vector Autoregressive framework, the Granger causality test, impulse response, and variance decomposition of the various innovations to study the impact. It found that shock...
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Empirical evidence demonstrates that credit standards, including lending margins and collateral requirements, move in a countercyclical direction. In this study, we construct a small open economy model with financial frictions to generate the countercyclical movement in credit standards. Our...
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Die Erzeugerpreise industrieller Güter sind von 2020 auf 2021 um 6 Prozent gestiegen, wobei sich die Preisdynamik im Lauf des Jahres 2021 beschleunigte. Diese Entwicklung setzt sich 2022 fort: Im ersten Quartal 2022 stiegen die Erzeugerpreise im Vorjahresvergleich um 27,3 Prozent. Getrieben...
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This paper investigates how inflation and its uncertainty impact GDP growth in eight Central and Eastern European Countries. Inflation uncertainty series are created examining several GARCH models in combination with three different distribution functions, while the nonlinear effect of inflation...
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This paper reviews the development of labour market institutions in Norway, shows how labour market regulation has been related to the macroeconomic development, and presents dynamic econometric models of nominal and real wages. Single equation and multi-equation models are reported. The...
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Unit labor cost (ULC) is defined as labor compensation per value added. It captures the cost competitiveness of industries and countries. As labor compensation is wage multiplied by hours worked or number of people employed, it is easy to show that ULC is wage divided by labor productivity....
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This paper computes and compares alternative quality-adjusted price indexes for new cars in Spain in the period 1990 - 2000. The proposed hedonic approach simultaneously controls for time-invariant unobserved product effects and age effects, that can be interpreted as a proxy for time-variant...
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