Showing 1 - 10 of 773
This paper quantifies the welfare cost of consumption externalities in an endogenous growth model with habit formation. Agent's utility depends on both current consumption and a reference consumption level determined by economy-wide average past consumption. Although utility may be lower in the...
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This paper considers both secular and medium-run trends to argue that the US economy was already vulnerable to shocks before the COVID-19 crisis. Long-run trends have shown a pattern of secular stagnation and increasing inequality since the 1980s, while the economy has displayed hysteresis...
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This paper shows that the consumption-based capital asset pricing model (C-CAPM) with low-probability disaster risk rationalizes pricing errors. We find that implausible estimates of risk aversion and time preference are not puzzling if market participants expect a future catastrophic change in...
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We introduce a class of production function whose inputs and outputs constitute multiples of quality and quantity. Under the efficiency unit approach, we precisely reduce innovation regarding qualitative and quantitative improvements of production to the measurement of quality-adjusted...
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This paper utilizes a simple general-equilibrium model to analyse the long-run effects of Bulgaria’s 2007-08 corporate-personal income tax reforms. In particular, we consider the effect working through the firm’s capital structure, and argue that the new reforms incentivize firms to increase...
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Die Niedrigzinspolitik der EZB steht bei vielen deshalb in der Kritik, weil Sparer kaum Erträge durch ihre Anlagen erwirtschaften können. Tatsächlich bezieht sich diese Beobachtung aber vor allem auf die Entwicklung des nominalen Zinsatzes. Real ist die Gesamtrendite privater Haushalte in...
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Die nominalen Zinsen in Deutschland sind insbesondere bei Bankeinlagen in den vergangenen Jahren auf ein historisch niedriges Niveau gesunken und können damit die Zinseinkommen der privaten Haushalte schmälern. Vor diesem Hintergrund leitet dieser Beitrag die Berechnung der realen...
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Since decades, only one fourth of German households invest in shares. One exception was during the three IPOs from 1996 to 2000 of the Deutsche Telekom, which gave Germans a taste to enter the stock market. However, the fall in the share price shortly after the second IPO, followed by corruption...
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Seit Jahrzehnten investiert nur jeder vierte bis fünfte Haushalt in Deutschland in Aktien. Mit den drei Börsengängen der Deutschen Telekom 1996 bis 2000 wurden die Deutschen in Aktienlaune versetzt. Der Kurssturz kurz nach dem zweiten Börsengang, gefolgt von Korruptionsskandalen, beendete...
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The extant literature regarding the effects of housing on stock investment shows inconsistent findings, either positive or negative effects have been reported. This paper investigates the mechanisms by which housing affects household stock investment through a structure equation model (SEM)....
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