Showing 1 - 10 of 179
Replication crisis and debates about p-values have raised doubts about what we can statistically infer from research findings, both in experimental and observational studies. With a view to the ongoing debate on inferential errors, this paper systematizes and discusses experimental designs with...
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Experiments are often used to study individual decision‐making under controlled circumstances. Due to their low opportunity costs and high availability, university students are frequently recruited as the study population. Even though they are rather untypical with regard to many...
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Bayes' statistical rule remains the status quo for modeling belief updating in both normative and descriptive models of behavior under uncertainty. Some recent research has questioned the use of Bayes' rule in descriptive models of behavior, presenting evidence that people overweight `good news'...
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Innovation research has developed a broad set of methodological approaches in recent decades. In this paper, we propose laboratory experiments as a fruitful methodological addition to the existing methods in innovation research. Therefore, we provide an overview of the existing methods, discuss...
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Für die einen gilt: "Nur Warnhinweise auf Lebensmitteln können vor der Volksseuche Übergewicht noch retten." Für die anderen hingegen ist klar: "Eine rote Ampel auf kalorienreichen Lebensmitteln bedeutet eine unerträgliche Entmündigung der Bürger." Die aktuelle Kontroverse um die von der...
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Arguments about the appropriate discount rate often start by assuming a Utilitarian social welfare function with isoelastic utility, in which the consumption discount rate is a function of the (constant) elasticity of marginal utility along with the (much discussed) utility discount rate. In...
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In this paper, we analyze the nature of cooperation in different corruption regimes. In a laboratory experiment with university students in Mexico, individuals play first a corruption game and then a public goods game. The corruption game is divided into three groups: high- and low-monitoring...
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We report the findings of experiments designed to study how people learn in network games. Network games offer new opportunities to identify learning rules, since on networks (compared to, e.g., random matching) more rules differ in terms of their information requirements. Our experimental...
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Individual willingness to enter competitive environments predicts career choices and labor market outcomes. Meanwhile, many people experience competitive contexts as stressful. We use two laboratory experiments to investigate whether factors related to stress can help explain individual...
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Frauen sind im Durchschnitt seltener bereit, in Wettbewerb mit anderen Personen zu treten als Männer. Dieser Gender Gap in der Neigung zu konkurrieren ist einer von vielen Gründen für Unterschiede in den Bildungs- und Karriereentscheidungen von Frauen und Männern und für weitere Gender Gaps...
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