Showing 1 - 10 of 171
This paper studies the wasteful effect of bureaucracy on the economy by addressing the link between opportunistic behavior of government bureaucrats and the public sector wage bill. In particular, public officials are modeled as individuals competing for a larger share of those public funds. A...
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Der Aufbau Ost scheint weitgehend abgeschlossen. Der IW-Einheitsindex, der sieben Indikatoren zur Ost-West-Angleichung umfasst, dokumentiert anhaltende, aber langsame Fortschritte. Die Infrastruktur der neuen Bundesländer ist gut ausgebaut, die Arbeitslosenquote ist im einstelligen Bereich...
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Indicators of government activity must be carefully designed to be relevant, credible and accountable. Frustration with reform pressures suggests that measures of policy activity are not providing accurate information. In fact, indicators of product or labour market regulation fail to measure...
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Auch 30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung gibt es große wirtschaftliche Differenzen zwischen dem westlichen und östlichen Landesteil. Ostdeutschland erreichte zuletzt durchschnittlich knapp 70 Prozent des westdeutschen Bruttoinlandsprodukts je Einwohner, mit Berlin sind es rund drei Viertel des...
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The article presents the use of the ARDL model to identify military expenditure determinants of the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia). Factors influencing military expenditure include the variables characterizing the economic environment of the analyzed countries (GDP per Capita,...
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The measures imposed by the governments to stop the spreading of SARS-CoV-2 virus, especially those referring to the mandatory character of physical distancing, determined more and more organizations to introduce teleworking, starting with March 2020. This paper analyses the factors that...
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We analyse Italy's growth pattern from 2001 to 2019 using the demand and growth regime categories proposed in the post-Keynesian tradition and recently adopted in the comparative political economy (CPE) literature. We argue that after the Global Financial and Economic Crisis (GFEC), Italy...
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Adaptive and innovative application of classical data mining principles and techniques in time series analysis has resulted in development of a concept known as time series data mining. Since the time series are present in all areas of business and scientific research, attractiveness of mining...
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To date, the Great Recession has only had a mild impact on the German labor market. In view of the uncertainties surrounding future economic growth, the low utilization of the workforce in firms, and the prevalence of working hour reductions, many observers are anticipating a dramatic rise in...
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Überraschend ist im Mai die Arbeitslosigkeit gefallen. Diese positive Entwicklung wird sich im Juni zunächst fortsetzen. Diese Einschätzung basiert auf einem neuen methodischen Konzept, das Google-Aktivitätsdaten für die kurzfristige Prognose der Arbeitslosigkeit einsetzt. Gerade in...
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