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Die Geldpolitik hat mit unkonventionellen Maßnahmen wie Negativzinsen und dem Ankauf von Anleihen maßgeblich zur Eindämmung der Finanz- und Staatsschuldenkrise im Euroraum beigetragen. Eine lang anhaltende Niedrigzinspolitik beinhaltet allerdings erhebliche Risiken für die Finanzstabilität....
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We show that negative monetary policy rates induce systemic banks to reach‐for‐yield. For identification, we exploit the introduction of negative deposit rates by the European Central Bank in June 2014 and a novel securities register for the 26 largest euro area banking groups. Banks with...
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We analyse the impact of standard and non-standard monetary policy on bank profitability. We use both proprietary and commercial data on individual euro area bank balance-sheets and market prices. Our results show that a monetary policy easing – a decrease in short-term interest rates and/or a...
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Motivated by the debate on the concentration-stability nexus, this paper studies the impact of bank concentration on the likelihood of a country suffering systemic bank fragility. For this reason, we followed a new approach using on-site bank balance sheet information to construct our proxy that...
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Credit supply and demand changes are mostly unobserved, thus identifying completely the transmission of monetary policy through the credit channel is unfeasible. Bank lending surveys by central banks, however, contain reliable quarterly information on changes in loan conditions due to bank, firm...
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We study bank credit booms, exploiting the Spanish matched credit register over 2001-2009. We extend Khwaja and Mian (2008)’s loan-level estimator by incorporating firm-level general equilibrium adjustments. Higher ex-ante bank real-estate exposure increases credit supply to non-real-estate...
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We study the economics and finance scholars' reaction to the 2008 financial crisis using machine learning language analyses methods of Latent Dirichlet Allocation and dynamic topic modelling algorithms, to analyze the texts of 14,270 NBER working papers covering the 1999–2016 period. We find...
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Due to the significant share of mortgage loans in the portfolio structure of a large number of commercial banks, monitoring the ability of the household sector to repay debts is very important for financial stability. Since the accumulation of non-performing loans in banks' balance sheets is...
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The accession to the European Union for Central and Eastern Europe countries involved their requirement to start the process of the European Monetary Union integration. The desire to enjoy the benefits of EU membership has made both the 10 countries that joined EU in 2004 and Romania and...
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Der vorliegende Artikel liefert einen systematischen Überblick über die Ergebnisse empirischer Studien zu den Auswirkungen der Quantitativen Lockerung als einer unkonventionellen geldpolitischen Maßnahme auf das heimische Zinsniveau sowie auf die internationalen Zinsbeziehungen. Aufbauend auf...
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