Showing 1 - 10 of 516
This paper explores the dynamics of nation-building policies and the conditions under which a state can promote a shared national identity on its territory. A forward-looking central government that internalizes identity dynamics shapes them by choosing the level of state centralization....
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Die aktuelle Fluchtmigration kann nur durch engere internationale Kooperation auf dem Gebiet der Asylpolitik effizient bewältigt werden. Aus ökonomischer Perspektive wäre es sinnvoll, die ankommenden Flüchtlinge nach einem Verteilungsschlüssel auf alle EU-Länder zu verteilen. Dieser...
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Ever since the spectacular boom and bust cycle of the Spanish real estate industry, endemic corruption at the local level has become a widely recognized problem in the national public discourse. In an effort to expose an under-explored political determinant, this paper investigates the effect of...
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This paper explores whether redistributive politics can explain differences in agricultural subsidies in Russia, a country whose autocratic regime represents a fertile ground for strategic redistribution. Relying on political economy literature, we examine the strategies regional and federal...
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Die Arbeit von Auten und Splinter (2024) ist der jüngste Beitrag einer andauernden Debatte zur Entwicklung von Einkommensungleichheit in den USA. In dieser Debatte werden primär die Arbeiten von Piketty und Koautoren zitiert. Die Ergebnisse von Auten und Splinter hinterfragen bisherige...
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Bei der Finanzierung von Investitionen sind die Kommunen stark auf Fördermittel angewiesen. Diese werden über zahlreiche Programme verteilt, wobei die Länder eine maßgebliche Rolle spielen. Die empirische Forschung legt nahe, dass politische Verbindungen die Zuweisung dieser Mittel...
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We consider a (pure) public goods provision problem with voluntary participation in a quasi-linear economy. We propose a new hybrid solution concept, the free-riding-proof core (FRP-Core), which endogenously determines a contribution group, public goods provision level, and how to share the...
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We present an electoral theory on the public provision of local public goods to an imperfectly informed electorate. We show that electoral incentives lead to greater spending if the electorate is not well informed. A more informed electorate induces candidates to target funds only to specific...
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We examine whether changes of government influence compliance with international agreements. We investigate compliance with the NATO two percent target to which all NATO countries committed themselves during the NATO summit in Wales in 2014. The dataset includes the military expenditure by NATO...
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We analyze a model of moral hazard in local public services which could be efficiently managed by officials under local democratic accountability, but not by officials who are appointed by the ruler of a centralized autocracy. The ruler might prefer to retain an official who diverted resources...
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