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Dornbusch’s exchange rate overshooting hypothesis (1976) is a central building block in international macroeconomics. This paper analyzes the effects of monetary and other macroeconomic shocks on the real exchange rate in the case of a small economy like Argentina. The paper uses SVAR models...
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In this paper, we investigate the Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson (HBS) hypothesis in 11 Central and Eastern European transition countries. Unlike previous research, we test the HBS hypothesis with NACE 6 quarterly data which enables us to divide data into tradable and nontradable sectors without...
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This paper empirically examines the long-run pass through of the official exchange rates into trade balance in Nigeria by means of threshold cointegration and asymmetric error correction modeling. The study provides evidence for non-linear cointegration between our variables of interest. The...
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This paper examines the determinants of the South African rand/US dollar (ZAR/USD) exchange rate based on demand and supply analysis. Applying the EGARCH method, the paper finds that the ZAR/USD exchange rate is positively associated with the South African government bond yield, US real GDP, the...
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According to conventional wisdom, 'peripheral' Southern European members of the euro area (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain) suffer from a problem of competitiveness. Since their membership of the euro area renders devaluation impossible, adjustment should come through decreasing wages and...
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German exports suffered a sharp decline during the international economic and financial crisis. But recently a strong turnaround has taken place. Macroeconomic stimulus measures in numerous countries have likely contributed to this export recovery. Germany's manufacturers are at the forefront of...
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Im Zug der internationalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise sind die deutschen Exporte stark eingebrochen, inzwischen ist aber eine deutliche Trendwende eingetreten. Die Exporteure profitieren offenbar auch in einem erheblichen Maße von den in zahlreichen Volkswirtschaften aufgelegten...
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In den südeuropäischen Krisenländern Griechenland, Portugal und Spanien erfolgen bereits merkliche Anpassungen, die dort infolge der Leistungsbilanzdefizite und der hohen Auslandsverschuldung notwendig sind. Die Wachstumsraten der realen Exporte waren zuletzt überaus kräftig. Zum Teil...
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This paper investigates the implications for the nominal exchange rate of a Border Tax Adjustment (BTA) when there is BTA neutrality. A border tax adjustment is a change from an origin-based system of taxation, that taxes exports but exempts imports to a destination-based system that taxes...
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Available data suggest that, between 2006 and 2012, Germany may have suffered losses to the value of more than 20% of annual economic output on its net foreign assets. Were these presumed losses on German net foreign assets coincidental or can they be attributed to deeper causes? Over time,...
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