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Trotz der jüngsten Beruhigung an den Finanzmärkten ist das Finanzsystem in Europa auch mehrere Jahre nach Ausbruch der Finanzkrise nicht nachhaltig krisenfest. Die Stabilität des Finanzsystems spielt aber eine zentrale Rolle für die realwirtschaftliche Entwicklung und damit für Wachstum und...
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Despite the most recent period of calm on the financial markets, the long-term resilience of the European financial system is not yet assured, even several years after the financial crisis began. However, the stability of the financial system playsa crucial role for real economic development and...
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The European banking union has so far lacked its third pillar: a joint insurance fund for bank savings deposits. As the present study shows, this could be a major disadvantage in dealing with the economic impact of the corona pandemic. A scenario in which a wave of corporate insolvencies leads...
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Der europäischen Bankenunion fehlt bisher die dritte Säule: ein gemeinsamer Sicherungsfonds für die Einlagen von SparerInnen bei Banken. Wie diese Studie zeigt, könnte dies im Zuge der wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie Nachteile mit sich bringen. Ein Szenario, in dem es durch...
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the potential consequences that the shortcomings in harmonising the national deposit guarantee schemes may have on the financial stability of the European Union. The relevance of this subject is underlined both by the European Commission's intention to revive...
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The European Central Bank, as a supervisory authority, set additional to the European level one capital requirements known as Pillar 2 for 118 significant credit institutions. Disclosure of Pillar 2 requirements is not compulsory, although many credit institutions choose to inform about them. We...
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Die globale Finanzkrise und die Krise im Euroraum offenbarten deutliche Schwächen in der Bankenregulierung und -aufsicht. Drei wesentliche Reformstränge sollen das Finanzsystem stärken: die Erhöhung der Eigenkapitalanforderungen für Banken, die Gründung der Europäischen Bankenunion und...
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The Global Financial Crisis (GFC: 2008–2009) and the Euro Sovereign Crisis (ESC: 2010–2012) seem a process of creative destruction for the European Union (EU). The huge damage provoked by the GFC and ESC was, in fact, followed by important institutional building steps as the Banking Union...
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The paper assesses the main factors underlying the decreasing profitability in the European banking sector, in comparison with the US. It underscores in particular the role of low interest rates, lower concentration, tighter regulation and the absence of a deep and liquid capital market. A...
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The European financial system is plagued at present by two major sources of uncertainty. First, there is still mistrust over the quality of banks" balance sheets. Second, major uncertainty remains about the rules that will apply to bank recapitalisation, bank restructuring and bank resolution in...
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