Showing 1 - 10 of 462
Frauen sind in Führungspositionen insgesamt noch immer deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Der sogenannte Gender Leadership Gap, also die Differenz zwischen dem Anteil von Frauen an allen abhängig Beschäftigten und dem Anteil von Frauen in hohen Führungspositionen, variiert zwischen einzelnen...
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The Protocol for Socially Responsible Territory is the result of a local sustainability management experience, which has demonstrated the importance of public administration in social innovation. This article describes the process through which such protocol was obtained, its characteristics and...
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Women remain grossly underrepresented in management positions in Germany. However, what has been dubbed the gender leadership gap, i.e., the difference between the share of all employees who are women and the share of women in senior management positions, varies considerably across different...
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Changes in regulation and government policy have stimulated growth of 'green innovation' with sustainability emerging as a key concept. A review of the literature revealed gaps in research in this area of innovation management. The aim of this paper is to test the relationship between SDO...
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In the past few years a growing consideration of enterprises' social role has brought public opinion, management scholars and companies themselves to give more and more attention and space to the concept of ethics. Over the decades, the doctrine has made some considerable progress in defining...
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Women are still in the clear minority among the financial sector's top decision-making bodies. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, 21 percent of the supervisory and administrative board members of the 100 largest banks were female. The number has stagnated...
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The gender quota for supervisory boards that has been mandatory since January 2016 has shown an initial impact. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, there were more women on the supervisory boards of the 106 companies subject to the statutory quota than one...
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Nach wie vor sind Frauen in Spitzengremien des Finanzsektors deutlich in der Minderheit. Dem Managerinnen-Barometer des DIW Berlin zufolge waren die Aufsichts- und Verwaltungsräte der 100 größten Banken Ende des Jahres 2016 zu gut 21 Prozent mit Frauen besetzt. Damit stagnierte der Anteil...
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Die seit Januar 2016 verbindliche Geschlechterquote für Aufsichtsräte in Deutschland zeigt eine erste Wirkung: Dem Managerinnen- Barometer des DIW Berlin zufolge waren in den unter die Quotenregelung fallenden 106 Unternehmen Ende 2016 deutlich mehr Frauen in den Kontrollgremien vertreten als...
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Executive and supervisory boards of large companies in Germany are still dominated by men - to an extraordinary degree. Only 2.5% of all executive board members in the200 largest companies (not including the financial sector) are women, and only 10% of all seats on supervisory boards are...
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