Showing 1 - 10 of 452
The global economic crisis has led to a massive increase in unemployment, and nearly all governments have declared the protection of domestic jobs to be a central economic policy aim. In the US, an additional $790-billion economic stimulus package was adopted immediately after President Obama...
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Die globale Wirtschaftskrise führt zu einem massiven Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit, und fast alle Regierungen haben die Sicherung der heimischen Beschäftigung zu einem zentralen Ziel ihrer Wirtschaftspolitik erklärt. In den USA wurde sofort nach dem Amtsantritt von Präsident Obama ein...
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This article provides a review of literature on African Agency and the drivers of change within EU–African trade politics in negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and African governments.
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This paper examines whether the climate policy options policymakers are contemplating are compatible with core principles of the world trading system set forth in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and Appellate Body decisions. The authors...
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The paper aims to illustrate how strategic trade policy is used by analyzing the concrete situation in the world aircraft industry, focusing on the case of the large civil aircrafts and on the regional jet aircrafts. We want to clarify which is the position of GATT / WTO regarding the strategic...
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As a major trading power in the world, the European Union is an important trading partner for five emerging economies, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (the BRICS countries). The EU is particularly interested in protecting the interests of developing countries and supports...
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The international trade for wide world countries in the means more growth, more jobs and access on more products at competitive prices. The European Union is a major economy and an important trading partner for many countries and regions in the world. To stimulate growth and to create jobs in...
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The EU is a world economic power and a major trading partner for most countries. All the time, this region has been interested and has acted towards a free and fair trade. The decrease and even the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers in the world trade are among the main objectives of...
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The Organization of Islamic Cooperation members had proposed the establishment of an Islamic Common Market among themselves in the early 1970s. This notion currently listed among the core objectives of the Organization and, to this end, the members adopted the TPS agreement in 1990. This study...
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Am 25. März 2013 haben die EU und Japan offiziell die erste Verhandlungsrunde über mögliche bilaterale Handelsliberalisierungen begonnen. Ziel der Verhandlungen ist es, neben tarifären Handelshemmnissen auch nicht-tarifäre Schranken zwischen den zwei Ökonomien zu eliminieren und den Handel...
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