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With a view to establishing a Capital Markets Union (CMU), efforts to integrate (private) capital markets and private risk-sharing in the European Union are underway. However, the single (capital) market will be burdened by a perennial potential threat to sovereign bond market stability in the...
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The period of the global financial crisis can be characterized by the spillover of negative innovations among stock markets worldwide. Stock markets in Central Europe were not excluded as they are not isolated from global stock markets. Recently published scientific studies dealing with this...
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Ausgelöst durch das Zusammentreffen niedriger Zinsen in reichen Ländern und einem hohen Finanzierungsbedarf für Infrastruktur in vielen ärmeren Ländern befindet sich die Verschuldung der Länder des Globalen Südens seit Jahren auf einem dramatisch hohen Niveau. Hohe Schuldendienstzahlungen...
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In this article, we examine the dynamic currency linkages for BRIS (Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa) and 15 other emerging market economies (EMEs) using weekly data from 2001 to 2018. Using the asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation (ADCC)-EGRARCH framework, we find that the average...
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Aufgrund des Klimawandels kommt es häufiger zu Stürmen, Überschwemmungen und anderen Naturkatastrophen. Die vorliegende empirische Analyse zeigt, dass eine bessere Integration von Ländern in internationale Finanzmärkte die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Abwehrkräfte gegen solche Schocks stärkt....
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Based on a vector autoregressive model (VAR), this paper shows that time variation in monthly excess returns on Swiss government bonds and stocks is predominantly driven by news of inflation and dividends, respectively. This finding is in marked contrast to US evidence which points to a more...
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This paper investigates the decrease in wage inequality among working age men in the Brazilian formal labor market by decomposing it into its permanent and transitory components. The permanent component refers to workers' productivity characteristics such as education and abilities, whereas the...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of government expenditure framework in tracking social, economic, and environmental sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Nigeria. Using quarterly data (Q1:2000-Q4:2018), the study applied vector autoregression, variance decomposition,...
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Alike the role of heart for human body, finance is the focal point of an economy, whereas savings and investment are its tubes and vessels. Hence, a solid financial system is a fundamental character of an enduring economy. The frozen financial system endures longer if its foundation is concrete...
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Die Beschlüsse des Euro-Gipfels vom Juni 2012 haben bei deutschen Ökonomen heftige Kritik ausgelöst. Der Autor fragt, welche Konsequenzen es gehabt hätte, wenn die Ratschläge der Ökonomen schon in der Finanzkrise 2008 befolgt worden wären, und befürchtet, dass der Verzicht auf eine am...
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