Showing 1 - 10 of 17
Um Kosten, Energieimporte und CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren, ist im Energiekonzept der Bundesregierung vorgesehen, den Wärmebedarf für Gebäude bis 2020 um 20 Prozent und den Primärenergiebedarf bis 2050 um 80 Prozent zu senken. Dazu soll der Anteil der jährlich energetisch sanierten Gebäude...
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In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, China's provinces have issued a series of carbon emission trading policies in recent years. As China's first ecological civilization demonstration zone, Fujian Province has also promulgated an array of carbon emission trading policies. Therefore,...
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Green-growth theory asserts that green-innovations will allow us to decouple economic growth from pollution. Policies that promote green-innovations are therefore paramount. Scholarship has become increasingly interested in how green-clusters can contribute to sustainable innovation and...
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The literature on policy mixes tends to focus on the instruments that different jurisdictions adopt to tackle public problems, and how policies may complement or conflict with each other. Fewer studies examine the factors that influence instrument choice, particularly within multilevel contexts,...
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Many metropolitan regions face concerns over sprawling development, increased costs of maintaining infrastructure, and loss of green space and farmland. Some metropolitan regions have intentionally created spatial policies to govern development patterns and manage growth within their region....
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This paper presents the results of a globally distributed survey on policies for incentivizing bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). The current lack of policy incentives to support the implementation of BECCS constitutes a major deployment barrier. Therefore, scientists and...
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Environmental policy integration (EPI), that is, the incorporation of environmental concerns in non-environmental policy areas, has been widely adopted in public policies. However, EPI research has found much discrepancy between environmental objectives and actual implementation. This paper...
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Kohlekraftwerke verursachen etwa ein Drittel des Kohlendioxidausstoßes in Deutschland. Wird das weiterhin hohe Niveau der Kohleverstromung zukünftig nicht gesenkt, sind nicht nur die deutschen Klimaschutzziele für die Jahre 2020 und 2050 gefährdet, sondern auch die nachhaltige Energiewende....
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Coal-fired power stations are responsible for around a third of Germany's carbon emissions. Failure to reduce the persistently high level of coal-fired power generation threatens Germany's climate targets for 2020 and 2050 and undermines a sustainable energy transition. Calculations by DIW...
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Mit wachsenden Anteilen erneuerbarer Energien (EE) an der Stromerzeugung gewinnt das Problem ihrer Markt- und Systemintegration an Bedeutung. Für eine langfristig effiziente Stromversorgung stellt sich zunächst die Frage, wie EE in den regulären Steuerungs- und Vergütungsprozess des...
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