Showing 1 - 10 of 192
Die Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) ist drei Jahre nach ihrer Gründung in acht deutschen Landtagen vertreten. Die mit europakritischem und national-konservativem Profil gegründete Partei hat sich sowohl programmatisch als auch personell stark verändert und ähnelt zunehmend anderen...
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In response to the European sovereign debt and currency crisis, the EU has begun to implement measures toward fiscal solidarity at least for the euro area. Survey data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study show that just under half of all adults in Germany generally support providing...
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Als Reaktion auf die europäische Staatsschulden- und Währungskrise hat die EU zumindest für die Eurozone den Weg in Richtung einer fiskalischen Solidargemeinschaft eingeschlagen. Befragungsdaten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) zeigen, dass knapp die Hälfte aller Erwachsenen in...
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Jugendliche gestalten ihre Freizeit heute deutlich anders als noch vor fünfzehn Jahren. Die Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien ist zur bedeutendsten Freizeitbeschäftigung für sie geworden. Auf repräsentativer statistischer Basis lässt sich anhand von Daten der...
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Immigrants can initially face significant difficulties integrating into the economy of the host country, due to information gaps about the local labor market, limited language proficiency, and unfamiliarity with the local culture. Settlement in a region where economic and social networks based...
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Today's teenagers spend their free time very differently than they did 15 years ago: engagement with IT and communications technologies is now their most significant leisure activity. Representative statistics based on data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) longitudinal study indicate that...
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If immigration causes a decrease in social cohesion, then it may also be an important contributing factor in the recent failure of financial institutions. The present analysis finds some evidence for a negative relationship between immigration and volunteering from the Current Population Survey...
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Immigrants experience substantial disadvantages in employment in the host country. "Ethnic capital" (e.g. the ethnic network) is argued to provide a niche for immigrants. Previous international studies adopt either ethnic concentration or language as proxy for immigrants' network in host...
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During the 2000s Arab and Islamic American racial identity selection was subjected to an exogenous racializing event, viz., public and private reaction to the Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001. The Al Qaeda attacks clearly demarcate a period in which there was a structural increase in the...
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We present a basic theoretical framework of ethnic identity, i.e., the level of immigrant's commitment to his or her host society as well as the immigrant's commitment to his or her home society. Our model can explain the emerging empirical literature which studies the effect of the immigrants'...
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