Showing 1 - 10 of 235
[HINTERGRUND:] Die COVID-19-Pandemie (Corona Virus Disease 2019) hat innerhalb kürzester Zeit das gesellschaftliche Leben grundlegend verändert. Bei politischen Entscheidungen steht oft die Abwägung zwischen der Pandemiebekämpfung und den möglichen negativen wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen im...
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We analyze gender differences in immigrants’ ethnic boundary making using the example of name giving. We draw on the well-established finding that immigrants are more likely to choose a name that is common in the host country (strategy of boundary crossing) for female than for male...
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, d. h. der Präsenz von unterschiedlichen Berufen auf dem regionalen Arbeitsmarkt, für die Berufswahl von …
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im Themenfeld Berufe und soziale Ungleichheit steckt. Die Themenblöcke befassen sich mit Fragen von Berufswahl und …
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In the last few years, significant amount of research has produced evidence in support of the signaling, credential or "sheepskin" effects in rates of return to schooling for studies of the developed as well as developing countries. An example of the former is the seminal empirical work by...
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Globalization has both costs and benefits. In this paper we would focus upon one of the damages of globalization to China. It is said that inward FDI replaces local domestic capabilities in import-substitution countries. In the case of China the Chinese domestic industries are lacking...
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Despite numerous studies on skill development, we know little about the effects of extracurricular music activities on cognitive and non-cognitive skills. This study examines how music training during childhood and youth affects the development of cognitive skills, school grades, personality,...
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Fast 20 Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer und dem damit in Ostdeutschland verbundenen Übergang auf eine Marktwirtschaft bestehen zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland immer noch Unterschiede in der Entlohnung von Humankapital. Auswertungen der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) für...
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Proposition 209 banned the use of racial preferences in admissions at public colleges in California. We analyze unique data for all applicants and enrollees within the University of California (UC) system before and after Prop 209. After Prop 209, minority graduation rates increased by 4.35...
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Die Zusammenfassung stellt dar, was untersucht wurde und zu welchen Resultaten die PISA-Studie führte.
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