Showing 1 - 10 of 14
Contrary to the number of unemployed or vacancies, the number of employees subject to social security contribu-tions (SSC) for Germany is published after a time lag of 2 months. Furthermore, there is a waiting period of 6 months until the values are not revised any more. This paper uses monthly...
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This paper performs a nonlinear estimation of a normalized CES production function within a system of equations with a panel of Spanish regions for the period 1964-2013. It obtains an elasticity of substitution below one and identifies different rates of factor-augmenting technical progress. The...
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Die aktuelle Wirtschaftskrise wirft die Frage auf, ob nicht durch eine bessere Ausschöpfung der in den verschiedenen Frühindikatoren enthaltenen Informationen die aufgetretenen Prognosefehler hätten vermieden werden können. Dies gilt insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund des überraschend...
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Mehr als die Hälfte des Bruttoinlandsprodukts im Euroraum wird für den privaten Verbrauch verwendet. Daher kommt der Genauigkeit von Konsumprognosen eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Da der Konsum maßgeblich von den Stimmungen der Akteure beeinflusst wird, weist die Europäische Kommission...
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Using Google search activity data can help detect, in real time and at high frequency, a wide spectrum of breaking socio-economic trends around the world. This wealth of data is the result of an ongoing and ever more pervasive digitization of information. Search activity data stand in contrast...
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We present a medium-scale dynamic factor model to estimate and forecast the rate of growth of the Spanish economy in the very short term. The intermediate size of the model overcomes the serious specification problems associated with large scale-models and the implicit loss of information of...
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trade. For this purpose, we evaluate the backcasting and nowcasting performance of mixed data sampling (MIDAS) regressions …
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The literature shows that the nowcasting models generally use structured data such as real, financial and survey … indicators. Recent research has focused on finding the way how to use the unstructured data in the nowcasting models. The search … is analysed how the ECB presidents' speeches are included in the nowcasting model and to what degree they affect the …
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, as it is useful for nowcasting. …
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The paper compares the most closely watched sentiment indicators with respect to their ability to nowcast quarterly GDP dynamics in the Euro Area and its biggest economies. We analyse cross-correlations and out-of-sample forecast errors generated from equations estimated by rolling regressions...
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