Showing 1 - 10 of 83
Überlastete Universitätsverwaltungen und langwierige Nachrückverfahren sind die Folge der dezentralen Vergabe von Studienplätzen. Um die Studienplatzvergabe künftig schneller und einfacher abwickeln zu können, soll die Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Studienplätzen (ZVS) die...
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When applying to a university, students and their parents devote considerable time acquiring information about university programs in order to form preferences. We explore ways to reduce wasteful information acquisition, that is, to help students avoid acquiring information about out-of-reach...
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We investigate the effect of spells of no formal employment of young Germans on their chances of entering the labor market through an apprenticeship. We also study whether the potential negative effects of such spells can be mitigated by publicly provided training measures. In a field...
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We document quasi-experimental evidence against the common assumption in the matching literature that agents have full information on their own preferences. In Germany's university admissions, the first stages of the Gale-Shapley algorithm are implemented in real time, allowing for multiple...
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The paper surveys the experimental literature on centralized matching markets, covering school choice and college admissions models. In the school choice model, one side of the market (schools) is not strategic, and rules (priorities) guide the acceptance decisions. The model covers applications...
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Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat die Fragilität des Gesundheitssystems, der Gesellschaft und der Wirtschaft beim Auftreten von weltweiten Krisen deutlich gemacht. Um auf die nächste Krise besser vorbereitet zu sein, stellen sich gesundheitspolitische, wirtschaftliche, rechtliche, ethische und...
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Nicht alle Güter werden über einen Preismechanismus auf Märkten gehandelt. Angebot und Nachfrage von Plätzen an Schulen und Universitäten, die Zuweisung von Organen bei Lebendspendern und die Partnerwahl vollziehen sich nach anderen Regeln. Wie diese Regeln gestaltet sein müssen, um zu...
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Being at the frontier with regard to sustainable aspects of manufacturing may serve as competitive advantage due to the increasing trend of consumer awareness. In order to adhere to the consequent pressure from external stakeholders such as customers, investors, competitors, interest groups and...
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We investigate gender discrimination in a nationally-representative sample of German firms using a factorial survey design. Short CVs of fictitious applicants for apprenticeship positions are presented to human resource managers who are asked to evaluate the applicants. Women are evaluated worse...
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