Showing 1 - 10 of 245
Der aktuelle Preissprung bei Molkereiprodukten fordert geradezu dazu heraus, einen Blick auf die Mechanik und die Psychologie der Preisbildung zu werfen. Experten beobachten schon seit Jahren eine weltweit steigende Nachfrage nach Milch und Milchprodukten und eine Erzeugung, die mit dem...
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Der Preisauftrieb auf den internationalen Märkten für Getreide, Milch und Milcherzeugnisse hat bei Landwirten eine Aufbruchstimmung aufkommen lassen, bei Verbrauchern und bei den Unternehmen der betroffenen Wirtschaftszweige aber Verunsicherung bewirkt. Unsicherheit besteht vor allem in der...
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This paper considers a nonlinear pricing framework with both horizontally and vertically differentiated products. By endogenizing the set of consumers served in the market, we are able to study how increased competition affects nonlinear pricing, in particular the market coverage and quality...
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Seit Mai 2007 veröffentlicht die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) einen experimentellen Index für die Entwicklung administrierter Preise im Euro-Währungsgebiet. Damit hat die EZB ein neues interessantes Instrument für die Konjunkturanalyse bereitgestellt. Der Index erfasst die Preisentwicklung...
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In January 2014, Mexico addressed its epidemic of obesity by implementing an excise tax of 1 peso (1 MXN) per liter on soft drinks. This study evaluates the pass-through of the tax, the influence on the tax of competition among different stores, and the after-tax price dispersion. Using an...
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Markets are reputed to be more flexible than other economic arrangements, though the meaning of flexibility remains vague. For orthodox economists, it has a narrow interpretation based on relative price movements within equilibrating markets, leading to allocative efficiency. For heterodox...
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We study a variation of the duopoly model by Kreps and Scheinkman (1983). Firms limited by their capacity of production engage in a two stage game. In the first stage they commit to levels of production not exceeding their capacities which are then made common knowledge. In the second stage...
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We report that the price of a 6.5oz Coke was 5¢ from 1886 until 1959. Thus, we are documenting a nominal price rigidity that lasted more than 70 years! The case of Coca-Cola is particularly interesting because during the 70-year period there were substantial changes in the soft drink industry...
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On average, small business support projects appear to improve beneficiary sales, and the growth effect is obvious when supporting young or growing firms. However, the effect is largely offset by sales reductions due to overcrowding. Small business support projects must be operated in two ways to...
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Selection of appropriate funding sources for company assets is one of the most important decisions taken by a company. The right capital structure and in particular the relevant relationship between own and external sources of financing have a significant impact on the financial results. The...
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