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The EU multilevel governance is a theoretical standpoint that allows us to measure the costs of nowadays European integration. This article addresses current issues of the EU institutional Agenda regarding the logic beyond the changing nature of the economic climate. Our contribution aims to...
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Seit Jahren wird jedes neugeborene Kind im Durchschnitt drei Monate älter als ein Neugeborenes des Vorjahres. Dieser Lebenserwartungsgewinn von sechs Stunden am Tag schlägt sich - bei konstantem Renteneintrittsalter - in steigenden Rentenlaufzeiten nieder. Die "Rente mit 67" versucht, einen...
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Rentensysteme befinden sich derzeit in einem umfassenden Veränderungsprozess. Öffentliche Regelungssysteme werden neu formiert und zum Teil durch marktbezogene Systeme ersetzt. Dabei bleiben die normativen Ansprüche europäischer Wohlfahrtsstaaten unverändert: Neben der Armutsvermeidung...
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Die Menschen in Deutschland werden im Durchschnitt immer älter — mit der Folge, dass die arbeitende Bevölkerung die Rente für immer mehr alte Menschen aufbringen muss. Ist dieser Veränderungsprozess allein mit dem Rentensystem auf Basis des Umlageverfahrens zu bewältigen oder werden...
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We show that a simple and intuitive three-parameter equation fits remarkably well the evolution of the gross domestic product (GDP) in current and constant dollars of many countries during times of recession and recovery. We then argue that this equation is the response function of the economy...
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This paper investigates the factors that determine tax evasion in Ghana using time series data covering the period 1970-2010. Employing the currency demand approach, we obtained the estimates of the shadow economy and the level of tax evasion for the entire period. Using the bounds test...
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The idea of the relation between the economic development level and the balance of payments position is not a new one. Yet, this idea was formalized for the first time in the early 1960s by Charles Kindl.berger in the form of the balance of payments evolution scheme. Although this is a rather...
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The main thrust of this study has been to provide empirical illuminations to the debate on the effectiveness of foreign aid in driving sustainable growth and development. Using an extended Barro style model of aid-augmented government expenditure and economic growth, an analytical model is...
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To help explain the common failure of oil or other natural resource exporting countries to diversify into industry, it has been common to trace this failure to real exchange rate appreciation. This has also been done in Azerbaijan. However, because Azerbaijan has devoted so much of its oil...
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This paper analyzes the impact of fiscal decentralization on accountability, economic freedom, and political and civil liberties in the Americas. The findings indicate that decentralization initially hampers but eventually enhances accountability and political and civil liberties, in line with...
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