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data of six emerging inflation targeting economies (Turkey, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Chile, Poland, and South Africa …
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This paper analyses the effects of two alternative monetary strategies (exchange rate targeting and inflation targeting) on economic growth and employment. On the panel of 18 countries for the period from 1996 to 2013, I tested the hypothesis that countries in exchange rate targeting have a...
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The presently tenuous situation in Turkey will worsen if the government does not take appropriate policy action. In view of foreign investors' loss of confidence, the cost of external financing is likely to rise while consumption and investment will fall, and the Turkish lira would depreciate...
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Die derzeit fragile Lage in der Türkei dürfte sich weiter verschlechtern, wenn die Regierung keine wirtschaftspolitischen Maßnahmen ergreift. Angesichts des Vertrauensverlustes des Auslands steigen die externen Finanzierungskosten, Konsum und Investitionen sinken, die türkische Lira wertet...
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Whether or not inflation targeting adoption leads to increased volatility of exchange rates is controversial. The volatility increases with inflation targeting as a result of the flexible exchange rate regime. Others argue that inflation targeting delivers the best outcomes in terms of lower...
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This paper analyses the impact of central bank interven-tions in the inflation targeting regime. The results of empirical stud-ies in this paper show if there is a shock of the exchange rate, which would lead to depreciation of the exchange rate, a central bank may decide to mush instability on...
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Headline inflation in the euro area jumped to more than three percent in the summer after years of relatively low inflation rates well below the target of close to but below two percent set by the ECB until July 2021. One of the main reasons for the rise in inflation is the increase in energy...
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Die Gesamtinflation im Euroraum ist im Sommer sprunghaft auf mehr als drei Prozent gestiegen - nach Jahren mit relativ geringen Teuerungsraten von deutlich unter der von der EZB bis Juli 2021 angestrebten Zielmarke von knapp unter zwei Prozent. Ein Hauptgrund für die anziehende Inflation sind...
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Inflation expectations are very important when it comes to monetary policy and its decisions. In countries which are applying inflation targeting, inflation expectations reflect prediction of economic agents of movement of inflation rate in mid and long term. Anchored inflation expectations and...
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The issue of the financial crisis draws more and more the specialists’ attention. The monetary policy has a decisive role in monitoring and reducing the inflationary phenomenon as much as possible, since it can become a real danger for an economy during a period of crisis. Inflation is a...
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