Showing 1 - 10 of 479
The common aim of legislation in the field of competition and consumer protection is to ensure the consumers’ sovereignty and well-being. Based on the analysis of literature in this field we have established, as the main focus of our research, a study of the correlation between the degree of...
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Die Bundesnetzagentur hat im Rahmen der Frequenzvergabe 2019 für den Mobilfunk die Netzanbieter verpflichtet, einen bestimmten Versorgungsgrad der Bevölkerung zu erreichen. Erstmals wurden dabei auch Kooperationen zwischen verschiedenen Netzanbietern erlaubt. Es wurde jedoch offengelassen,...
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As part of the 2019 frequency allocation process for mobile communications, the Federal Network Agency required network providers to achieve a certain level of mobile network coverage for the population. Cooperation between different network providers was also permitted for the first time,...
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Mit der zum 1. Dezember 2021 in Kraft getretenen Novelle des Telekommunikationsgesetzes (TKG) ist der Vorrang der Versteigerung als Regelvergabeverfahren für Frequenzen bei Knappheit aufgehoben worden. Das TKG sieht zwei mögliche Vergabeverfahren für Frequenzen bei Knappheit vor: die...
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The principle of net neutrality was adopted by the European Union as a regulation promoting equality among all data packets in the Internet. Considering net neutrality from a purely economic viewpoint, however, the general possibility to prioritize data packets would likely lead to a more...
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Das Prinzip der Netzneutralität wurde im November 2015 von der Europäischen Union als Verordnung zur Gleichbehandlung aller Datenpakete im Netz verabschiedet. Betrachtet man die Netzneutralität nach rein ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten, zeigt sich, dass die generelle Möglichkeit zur...
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As a case study of an ex-post evaluation of regulations, in this paper I evaluate the ‘uniform settlement rate requirement’, a regulation that was introduced in 1986 and that was applied to the international telephone market in the U.S. for more than 20 years. In a bilateral market between...
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The world of audiovisual online markets is rapidly changing. Not long ago, it was dominated by linear television, transmitted terrestrially, through cable networks or via satellite. Recently, streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime and others have emerged as new suppliers of...
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This article depicts a location game in a circular market. The equivalence results between a convex and a concave transport cost are reexamined by assuming an arbitrary length. In contrast to previous research the solution found shows that the equivalence relationship depends on the space...
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European postal markets are to be completely liberalized by the end of 2012 at the latest. At the same time national regulatory frameworks are being adapted to the new requirements. The extent to which the present monopoly suppliers will in future (continue to) be obliged to grant their...
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