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The relationship between retirement plan type and job mobility is more complex than typically considered. While differences in plan features and benefit structure may directly affect employees' mobility decisions (“incentive effect”), the type of plan offered may also affect the types of...
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We study transitions between different types of formal and informal employment using retrospective job histories from a new survey in Bangladesh. Workers transitioning between jobs are most likely to remain in the same type of employment, although there is still substantial churn across...
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The occupational skill structure depends on the business cycle if employers respond to shortages of applicants during upturns by lowering their hiring standards. Devereux uses this implication to construct empirical tests for the notion of hiring standards adjustment (the so-called Reder...
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Bereits in den 50er Jahren begann Ägypten sein Bildungssystem auszuweiten. Folglich konnte das Land über die letzten Jahrzehnte einen erheblichen Bildungsanstieg verzeichnen. Haushaltsdaten zeigen außerdem, dass auch Kinder aus Familien mit niedrigem Bildungsstand von den Investitionen im...
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Im Rahmen der Gesamtevaluation der familienbezogenen Leistungen untersuchte das Allensbacher Institut mit zwei Akzeptanzanalysen 2010 und 2011 die Bekanntheit und die Bewertung von 16 staatlichen Leistungen zur Familienförderung sowie die Muster der Inanspruchnahme. Die qualitativen und...
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This paper introduces endogenous on-the-job training in the job creation and destruction model of the search and matching type by García-Pérez and Osuna (Dual labour markets and the tenure distribution: Reducing severance pay or introducing a single contract, 2014). The objective is to compare...
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Der Bezug von Erwerbsminderungsrente ist ein unterschätztes Risiko - es trifft in Deutschland mit mehr als jedem fünften Arbeitnehmer mehr Menschen als man denkt. Die empirischen Befunde, die auf verschiedenen Analyseebenen ansetzen, verdeutlichen: Im sechsten Lebensjahrzehnt ist das Risiko...
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Despite declining bargaining power, unions continue to generate a wage premium. Some feel collective bargaining has had its day. Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have recently called for the removal of bargaining rights from workers in the name of wage and employment flexibility, yet...
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Employees show more commitment to an employer that promotes the greater good, and they work harder too. Moreover, many people are willing to give up some of their compensation to contribute to a social cause. Being able to attract a motivated workforce would be particularly important for the...
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The trend towards labor market flexibility in Europe has typically involved introducing legislation that makes it easier for firms to issue temporary contracts with low firing costs, while not changing the level of protection that is in place for permanent jobs. This has created a strong...
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