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years, the financial architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union could serve as an example for other parts of the world …
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Government provision of a financial safety net for financial institutions has been a key element of the policy response to the current crisis, with governments extending existing guarantees and introducing new ones. These measures have been helpful in avoiding a further accelerated loss of...
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The author suggests that the 2008 financial crisis was the culmination of an accelerating and inherently unstable process of financial market evolution. He argues that markets are not well organized to manage the power that financial assets have to generate emotion and their wider effect on...
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Die Liberalisierung der globalen Finanzmärkte hat ihr Ziel verfehlt, für mehr Stabilität und Wirtschaftswachstum zu sorgen. Stattdessen folgt seit 30 Jahren eine Krise auf die andere. Jetzt werden etliche Bankenreformen diskutiert, um die Finanzmärkte krisensicherer zu machen. Dabei...
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The recent financial crisis has highlighted the lack of analytical frameworks to help predict the global financial imbalances. The recent financial crisis has determined an increasing number of countries to use macroprudential instruments, in order to avoid systemic risks. According to the...
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In the aftermath of the Eurozone crisis, a battle of ideas emerged over whether ordoliberalism is part of the cause or the solution of economic problems in Europe. While German ordoliberals argued that their policy proposals were largely ignored before, during and after the crisis, critics saw...
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Die Krise des europäischen Währungsraums ist nicht vorbei. Zwar ist die Lage an den Finanzmärkten derzeit relativ ruhig, wirtschaftlich scheint die Talsohle in den meisten Ländern durchschritten. Aber fundamentale Konstruktionsfehler der Währungsunion bestehen weiter fort. Werden diese...
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The crisis in the European currency area is not yet over. Although the situation in the financial markets is currently relatively calm, the economic crisis appears to be bottoming out in most countries. Nevertheless, there are still fundamental design flaws in the Monetary Union. If these are...
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There is a growing consensus among both economists-academics and policymakers that there was at least one missing element of the financial safety net during the Global Financial Crisis. This element, which will probably improve financial stability (or protect against financial instability), is...
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This concise study analyses the symmetry of financial markets' responses to macroeconomic policy interaction in the United Kingdom. Employing the Vector Auto-regression (VAR) model on monthly data of the British financial sector and macroeconomic policies from January 1985 to August 2008, this...
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