Showing 1 - 10 of 398
Economy, society, environment and sometimes indicated institutional and political system – on these pillars is based the idea of sustainable development. The necessity for a global balance in these dimensions hinders the multidimensional approach of ideas. These difficulties increase when the...
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Rural development has been the core focus of the Bangladesh economic policies since her independence. The rural sector is pivotal to the country’s economic, social and political development. This paper examines the Bangladesh rural development policies, strategies and programs since...
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Italien leidet politisch und ökonomisch unter der Finanzkrise in der Europäischen Union. Das Wachstum ist negativ und die Arbeitslosigkeit steigt. Obwohl die Neuverschuldung verringert wurde und die Handelsbilanz Überschüsse aufweist, bleibt ein Zinsspread bestehen. Zudem ist zu befürchten,...
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The concept of the creative economy in the modern global world is filled with new meanings and acquires many qualitatively new features and properties. The article describes the development of creative economy models. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of the creative economy in EU...
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Cluster analysis is used to explore the performance of key macroeconomic variables in European countries that share the euro, from the inception of the currency in 2002 through to 2013. An original applied statistical approach searches for a pattern synthesis across a matrix of macroeconomic...
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Do migration policies affect whether immigrants contribute more to public finances than they receive as transfer payments? Yes. But simply accumulating the annual fiscal transfers to and fiscal contributions by migrants is not sufficient to identify the policy impact and the potential need for...
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This paper analyzes different government debt relief programs in the European Monetary Union. I build a model and study different options ranging from debt relief to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The analysis reveals the following: First, patient countries repay debt, while impatient...
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Makroprudenzielle Politik hat das Ziel, die Stabilität des Finanzsystems zu überwachen und zu sichern. Systemrisiken entstehen, wenn Schieflagen in Teilen des Finanzsystems die Funktionsweise der Finanzmärkte und damit die realwirtschaftliche Entwicklung beeinträchtigen. Ziel dieser Politik...
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This study derives an optimal macroeconomic policy combination for financial sector stability in the United Kingdom by employing a New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (NK-DSGE) framework. The empirical results obtained show that disciplined fiscal and accommodative monetary...
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Obwohl die Bundesregierung erste Maßnahmen auf den Weg gebracht hat, besteht in Deutschland weiterhin eine signifikante Investitionsschwäche. Die vorliegende Studie des DIW Berlin untermauert dies anhand der Entwicklung der Unternehmensinvestitionen. Demnach investieren die hiesigen Firmen...
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