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Transition to a market economy is accompanied by a period of greater economic uncertainty. Women are likely to suffer …
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We investigate the relationship between the individual and household indirect utility functions in the context of a collective household model. Our analysis produces new results that explain how the rule governing the distribution of resources among household members is related to the...
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I use a stochastic model to explore the dynamics of poverty in India from 1952 to 2006 and find that temporal transitions into and out of poverty are common. Model outcomes suggest that transitions out of poverty outnumber transitions into poverty in recent times, but that there is still a...
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The time household members in industrialized countries spend on housework and shopping is substantial, amounting on average to about half as much time as is spent on paid employment. Women bear the brunt of this burden, a difference that is driven in part by the gender differential in wages....
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Das im Jahr 2007 eingeführte Elterngeld hat soziale Normen verändert. Wie dieser Bericht zeigt, gehen die meisten Frauen nach der Geburt ihres Kindes ein Jahr in Elternzeit – vor allem Mütter mit mittleren und höheren Einkommen, die von den früheren Erziehungsgeldregelungen nicht hätten...
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Die meisten jungen Väter und Mütter in Deutschland wünschen sich eine gleichberechtigte(re) Teilhabe beider Partner in der Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit. Die gelebte Arbeitsteilung vieler Paare sieht jedoch oft anders aus. Die Bundesregierung reagiert nun mit Reformplänen zum Bundeselterngeld-...
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Eine auf Paarebene getroffene Entscheidung kann für die einzelnen Partner unterschiedliche Folgen haben, insbesondere in der mittleren bis langen Frist. Durch Spezialisierungsentscheidungen auf unbezahlte Care-Arbeit und den damit verbundenen Rückzug vom Arbeitsmarkt gehen vor allem Frauen...
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Farmers' associations play an important role to help members increase their access to supports of information, capital, and technology; bring benefits to members; and partly promote production, enhance productivity, and increase income. This paper systematizes the theoretical foundation and...
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In this study, a village input-output table (VIOT) is built from household survey data from a rural village in a developing country to capture the interdependency between households through their transactions in 2016. This VIOT is a simple, but useful tool for understanding the economic...
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