Showing 1 - 10 of 145
The results of the single-equation cointegration tests indicate that patterns of cointegration in the two main and four sub-periods are not homogeneous. Two key findings emerge from the study. First, fewer stock markets cointegrated with S&P 500 during the crisis period than they did during the...
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Alike the role of heart for human body, finance is the focal point of an economy, whereas savings and investment are its tubes and vessels. Hence, a solid financial system is a fundamental character of an enduring economy. The frozen financial system endures longer if its foundation is concrete...
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This paper investigates the nature of the causal relationships among interbank market interest rates and corporate loans interest rates in four countries from the euro area (Austria, Belgium, France and Italy), and in the Czech Republic. The paper also estimates a development of bank credit...
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This study aims to explore the relationship between market integration, foreign portfolio equity holding and inflation rates on international stock market linkages between Pakistan and India. To measure stock equity interlinkage, we constructed international co-movement index through rolling...
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With a view to establishing a Capital Markets Union (CMU), efforts to integrate (private) capital markets and private risk-sharing in the European Union are underway. However, the single (capital) market will be burdened by a perennial potential threat to sovereign bond market stability in the...
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Die Finanzminister der Eurozone haben ein Insolvenzrecht für Staaten vorgeschlagen. So soll der "European Stability Mechanism" nur dann finanzielle Hilfen für Mitgliedstaaten bereitstellen, wenn deren Schuldentragfähigkeit sichergestellt ist. Sonst droht der Schuldenschnitt. Weil die...
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It is widely acknowledge that financial constraints are the most visible problems of the SMEs. So through this paper we propose to analyze the main sources of financing that SMEs use to conducttheir business. And, from these sources, we should focus on the ways of financing offered by credit...
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In recent years, research on the synchronization of business cycles in economies has been undertaken more than once. This is a desirable phenomenon especially for the European Union. The aim of the article is to verify selected macroeconomic indicators that characterize the economies of...
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EU Member States outside the Eurozone are hesitating to enter the European Banking Union (EBU) and to establish "close cooperation" in bank supervision with the ECB. This paper analyzes the consequences of such asymmetric integration for financial stability in Europe. It argues that the main...
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The core objective of this paper is to determine the main political and economic conditions and challenges related to the possible evolution of the integration process in the euro area toward fiscal federalism and fiscal union as a way to increase the capacity of the area to cope with future...
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