Showing 1 - 10 of 88
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This paper makes an economic and financial analysis of car dealerships in Spain, using data from SABI database. Moreover, it analyses the economic and financial characteristics of firms that determinate that, in the same crisis context, some firms manage to have positive profit, while other ones...
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Purpose of the article: The subject of this article is the construction of a model which is able to measure whether an enterprise is creating or destroying value. In the light of our previous research, we are not seeking to create a universal model, instead we want to create a set of special...
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Die deutsche Automobilindustrie steht vor gravierenden Problemen: Nach einem langanhaltenden Zuwachs bei Produktion und Export droht sie ihre dominierende Stellung durch die internationalen Handelsstreitigkeiten zu verlieren. Aber auch die Anforderungen durch die europäischen Klimaschutzziele...
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Difficult conditions of functioning and the severity of forecasting possible changes in the conduct of business stimulate a search for new ways to improve economic security management for engineering enterprises. The purpose of our article is to develop a methodological framework for the...
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The methodological approach to the application of anti-crisis management in the system of ensuring financial security of the enterprise, unlike the existing ones, summarizes and systematizes the theoretical and methodological features of determining the main stages of anti-crisis management,...
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The goal of this research is to examine the relation between technology transfer, technical exchange, government role, and supplier performance of automotive industry in Jabodetabek, Indonesia. There are 99 companies in this study, consisting of 6 assembler companies, 59 tier-1 companies, and 34...
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Ownership of publicly listed German companies has undergone significant changes in recent years. The aim of this report is to document these trends since 2007 and analyze the extent to which firms that compete in the same product market are owned by the same investors, which is known as common...
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Die Eigentümerstrukturen börsennotierter deutscher Unternehmen haben sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich verändert. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei das Phänomen der gemeinsamen Eigentümerstrukturen, das international mit dem Begriff "Common Ownership" bezeichnet wird. Dabei werden...
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Die Installation von Manipulationssoftware in Diesel-Pkw von Volkswagen führt zu unterschiedlichen Konsequenzen in den USA und in Deutschland. Die deutschen Käufer werden weniger oder gar nicht entschädigt, weil weder die staatliche Regulierung noch die privatrechtliche Haftung wirksam...
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