Showing 1 - 10 of 18
Die Politik zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume als 2. Säule der Agrarpolitik kann als Hybrid aus Agrar-, Umwelt- und Regionalpolitik charakterisiert werden. Die ausgeprägten vertikalen (EU-Bund-Bundesländer) und horizontalen Verflechtungen und das inhaltlich breite Maßnahmenspektrum der...
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Demographic trends affect EU farms' availability of successors and hired labour. If a potential successor is available, generational renewal on family farms occurs in stages: the successor's identity formation, the farm transfer, and the farm development. If generational renewal on the farm...
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The proposal involves the establishment of 'welfare accounts' for every person in a country. There are to be four accounts: a retirement account (covering pensions), an unemployment account (covering unemployment support), a human capital account (covering education and training), and a health...
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Consumers are increasingly aware of the health- and safety-related implications of the food which they can buy in the market. At the same time, households have become more aware of their environmental responsibilities. Regarding the production of food, a crucial and multifunctional role is...
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Monetary coordination is high on the agenda of different regional organizations in Africa. Economic benefits of a common currency, like lower transaction cost, increased macroeconomic stability, or the shielding of central banks against political pressure from nationalist elites and their...
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The WAEMU and the Franc CFA-Zone: A new culture of co-operation in Francophone Africa? The CFA-zone is basically composed of two sub-zones, characterised by significant structural economic and political differences within and between its member countries: the West African Economic and Monetary...
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The aim of the present contribution is two-fold. First, we are going to briefly overview the theoretical arguments suggesting that regional economic integration may enhance the process of real economic convergence or catching up by less-advanced members of integration arrangements towards the...
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Zwar fanden in fünf der 16 westafrikanischen Länder - zum Teil zum zweiten Mal - Parlaments- oder Präsidentschaftswahlen statt (Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Kapverden, Niger), aber in dem meisten Ländern stagnierte der Demokratisierungsprozeß. Ein international beachteter vertraulicher...
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Der Demokratisierungsprozeß Westafrikas machte nur langsam Fortschritte. Zu Jahresbeginn schien es noch, als könne ein Machtwechsel gegen das herrschende politische Establishment nur gewaltsam durch einen Militärputsch nach dem Muster der Côte d’ Ivoire gelingen, wo General Robert Gueï...
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Die zusammenbrechende staatliche Ordnung, Gesetzlosigkeit und Verelendung in westafrikanischen Ländern wie Liberia und Sierra Leone bildeten den Hintergrund eines Szenarios drohender Anarchie, das der Politologe Robert Kaplan in einem international viel¬beachteten Artikel "The Coming Anarchy"...
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