Showing 1 - 10 of 46
cradle of migration from Sub-Saharan Africa to Europe, were most African migrants with overseas destinations live. The … European Union shares dual responsibility for the continuing migration pressure: First, because they fostered over decades … to be felt today, and constitutes one of the underlying factors for politically motivated migration. Secondly, the EU …
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Interest in the effects of labor migration on the receiving economy has not produced ample insights regarding its long … migration literature has not provided a coherent analysis confirming that any such effect could not be reversed in the long run …. Conversely, the analysis of the transition and steady-state repercussions of migration that arise even if migration has no effect …
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This paper is motivated by an attempt to account for the empirical finding that quite often migrants outperform the native-born. The underlying idea is that how migrants fare, absolutely and relative to the indigenous population, depends on group attributes ratber than on individual abilities...
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), die von einer Assimilation in einer als kulturell homogen gedachten Gesellschaft ausgehen, wird ein Begriff von … the idea of assimilation in a culturally homogeneous society, a concept of integration is proposed that comprises four …
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We model how the remittances by a migrant are influenced by the remittance behavior of fellow migrants with whom the migrant compares himself. We show that an increase in the mean remittances of the group of fellow migrants encourages the migrant to increase his own remittances, and that this...
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-country employers. Typically, migration runs across cultures as well as countries. Foreign-country employers who do not share the … screening is likely to be imprecise and expensive. In mainstream migration research, incorporation of the natural assumption … that migration is inherently associated with a heterogeneous information structure (as opposed to the homogeneous …
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Zwar fanden in fünf der 16 westafrikanischen Länder - zum Teil zum zweiten Mal - Parlaments- oder Präsidentschaftswahlen statt (Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Kapverden, Niger), aber in dem meisten Ländern stagnierte der Demokratisierungsprozeß. Ein international beachteter vertraulicher...
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Der Demokratisierungsprozeß Westafrikas machte nur langsam Fortschritte. Zu Jahresbeginn schien es noch, als könne ein Machtwechsel gegen das herrschende politische Establishment nur gewaltsam durch einen Militärputsch nach dem Muster der Côte d’ Ivoire gelingen, wo General Robert Gueï...
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Die zusammenbrechende staatliche Ordnung, Gesetzlosigkeit und Verelendung in westafrikanischen Ländern wie Liberia und Sierra Leone bildeten den Hintergrund eines Szenarios drohender Anarchie, das der Politologe Robert Kaplan in einem international viel¬beachteten Artikel "The Coming Anarchy"...
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Die internationale Staatengemeinschaft beobachtete weiterhin aufmerksam die Bemühungen der einzelnen westafrikanischen Staaten um Demokratisierung und Liberalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. In Nigeria (12.7.), Togo (25.8.) und Guinea (19.12.) standen sogenannte "Gründungswahlen"...
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