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It is well known that the conventional CUSUM test suffers from low power and large detection delay. We therefore propose two alternative detector statistics. The backward CUSUM detector sequentially cumulates the recursive residuals in reverse chronological order, whereas the stacked backward...
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The so-called Cauchy estimator uses the sign as instrument for the first lag in autoregressions, and the resulting t-type statistic has a standard normal distribution even in the unit root case. Thus, nonstandard asymptotics of the usual unit root tests such as the augmented Dickey-Fuller [ADF]...
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In this paper I discuss the estimation of the process governing the structural shocks (or wedges) to a DSGE model, arguing that a well-specified model would satisfy certain sets of moment conditions. Based on tests for overidentifying restrictions, I compare three specifications of the Taylor...
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While the limiting null distributions of cointegration tests are invariant to a certain amount of conditional heteroskedasticity as long as global homoskedasticity conditions are fulfilled, they are certainly affected when the innovations exhibit time-varying volatility. Worse yet, distortions...
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This paper provides a comprehensive Monte Carlo comparison of different finite-sample biascorrection methods for autoregressive processes. We consider situations where the process is either mildly explosive or has a unit root. The case of highly persistent stationary is also studied. We compare...
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The fixed-b asymptotic framework provides refinements in the use of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent variance estimators. We show however that the fixed-b limiting distributions of t-statistics are not pivotal when the variance of the underlying data generating process changes...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the intra-urban spatial distribution of employment in the agglomeration of Ile-de-France in 1978 and 1997. In that purpose, exploratory spatial data analysis is used in order to identify employment centers and a sectoral analysis of the CBD and the subcenters...
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Since Florida (2002b) revealed the importance of creative skills on economic growth, the notion of "creative class" has been deepened to analyze factors that shape the geography of talent of creative people. In spite of some strong correlations between artistic or cultural vibrancy, Third...
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