Showing 1 - 10 of 207
The relationship between technical progress and price competition is a controversial issue in economics. This paper highlights the fact that investment in technical progress is an authentic type of competition which benefits the consumers rather than the industry. This type of competition exists...
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This paper investigates the impact of technical progress on the relationship between competition an investment. Using a model of oligopoly competition with differentiated products where firms invest to reduce their marginal cost of production, I find that technical progress, which increases the...
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This paper investigates the incentives to invest in improving the quality (as distinguished to investment in a new activity) in telecommunication industry using the empirical example of wireless markets. We highlight that investment incentives are positively related to the potential for...
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In this conceptual paper, I propose a framework for measuring the market power of digital platforms. The rise of big technology companies that act both as intermediary platforms and providers of services and goods in several markets has heightened concerns about potential economic harms brought...
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Natural gas plays an important role in the future development of electricity markets as it is the least emission intensive fossil generation option while additionally providing the needed flexibility in plant operation to deal with intermittent renewable generation. As both the electricity and...
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We present a duopoly model of strategic capital accumulation in continuous time with uncertainty, such that investment takes the form of singular control. Spot competition is of Cournot type. For this model there exists a parameterized and Pareto-rankable family of Markov perfect equiblibria in...
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We study own and rival risk in a dynamic duopoly with a homogeneous output good. A competitor's options to adjust capacity reduce own-firm risk through a simple hedging channel. For example, if a rival possesses a growth option, an increase in industry demand directly enhances current profits...
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This article contributes to the debate of missing money (e.g. Joskow(2007)) which has seriously questioned the desirability of caps on scarcity prices in markets with fluctuating demand by emphasizing their potentially negative impact on firms investment decisions in the long run. A prominent...
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This article presents an electricity dispatch model with endogenous electricity generation capacity expansion for Germany over the horizon 2035. The target is to quantify how fuel price uncertainty impacts investment incentives of thermal power plants. Results point to ndings which are in line...
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This paper investigates the existence of market power and the sequentiality of games in the crude oil market. In particular, we examine whether Saudi Arabia acts as a Stackelberg leader or in a simultaneous-move framework, in a number of market power scenarios ranging from perfect competition to...
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