Showing 1 - 10 of 77
The paper develops a framework to enforce anti-predation rules that explicitly takes the intervention stage into account. In particular, it is proposed to improve predation enforcement by focusing on two channels: refining the current regime, and amending it. With respect to the refinement of...
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The paper provides a comprehensive survey of the economics behind the fight against hard core cartels. Differentiating between four subsequent stages – characterisation, welfare effects, enforcement and evaluation – the paper pays particular attention to cartel detection methods, the...
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The paper characterises the building blocks of a framework to enforce antipredation rules and subsequently evaluates selected enforcement options in a Cournot-type duopoly predation model. Differentiating between a no rule approach, an ex ante approach and two ex post approaches, it is shown...
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The last couple of years have seen an increasing interest in critical loss analysis, both, in academia and in practice. This development is documented by various research papers, high-level exchanges between antitrust experts as well as an increasing number of case decisions which make use of...
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Im Jahre 2005 fand im Rahmen eines OECD Policy Roundtables ein intensiver Meinungsaustausch der Mitgliedsstaaten zu dem Thema ‚Evaluation of the Actions and Resources of the Competition Authorities’ statt. Eine wesentliche Erkenntnis der Gespräche bestand in der Feststellung, dass...
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The paper develops a four-step framework to detect anticompetitive horizontal mergers. In the first step, an estimate of the impact of the merger on the market price needs to be derived. Subsequent, the second step of the framework has to assess whether such a predicted price increase would be...
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The paper aims at assessing the costs and benefits of antitrust enforcement. The analysis starts with an investigation of why competition is typically worth protecting followed by a collection of empirical evidence which shows that competition actually needs protection by antitrust policy in...
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Nach dem Vorbild börsennotierter britischer Vereine wird es auch deutschen Profifußballvereinen in absehbarer Zukunft möglich sein, sich in Aktiengesellschaften umzuwandeln. Der anschließende Börsengang soll dann den nach den jüngsten Entwicklungen im Profifußballbereich gestiegenen...
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The anomalous inverse concentration-price relationship observed by some researchers in the newspaper market has been attributed to scale economies. In this paper we suggest that the newspaper's (or magazine's) double-product feature (i.e., news supplied to readers and advertising space supplied...
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Die bundesdeutschen Fußballvereine weisen ein Umsatzvolumen auf, das dem mittelständischer Unternehmen entspricht. Gleichzeitig zeigt die hohe Verschuldung vieler Vereine, daß sie diesen Anforderungen nur unzureichend gewachsen sind. In diesem Beitrag soll anhand statistischer Auswertungen...
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