Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Type-I and type-II errors effects do matter both from the rules enforcement perspective and vertically upward to rules enactment. The paper support conventional idea about detrimental influence on deterrence of both types of errors. At the same time special role of type-I errors is demonstrated...
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We investigate, by mean of a lab experiment, a market inspired by two strands of literature on one hand we have herd behaviour in non-market situations, and on the other hand aggregation of private information in markets. The former suggests that socially undesirable herd behaviour may result...
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This paper relates economic development to transaction costs. It reveals the triad transaction costs-market failure-economic underdevelopment. Many scholars attribute the problems of development to the failure of markets to perform their role of resource allocation. Some deny market failure and...
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Pour de nombreux Africains, l'eau n'est pas seulement la source de la vie, mais aussi un moyen de purification et un centre de régénération. Les rituels et les cultes de l'eau, tels que «Mami Wata», conduisent leurs adeptes à la libération du corps et de l'esprit. Mais les rites...
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In this paper we introduce reciprocity in labor relations and government sector to investigate how well the real wage rigidity that results out of that arrangement ex- plains business cycle fluctuations in Bulgaria. The reciprocity mechanism described in this paper follows Danthine and Kurmann...
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The purpose of this note is to explore the problem of a non-convex labor supply decision in an economy with reciprocity in labor relations ("gift exchange") a la Danthine and Kurmann (2010), and explicitly perform the aggregation presented in Vasilev (2017) without a formal proof, and thus...
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The purpose of this note is to explore the problem of non-convex labor supply decision in an economy with imperfect observability of work e ffort, and the need to use e fficiency wages to prevent shirking as in Shapiro and Stiglitz (1984). In addition, the paper and explicitly performs the...
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In this paper, we first replicated Harrison et al. (2012). Then, we studied if the group’s size has an impact on group’s risk aversion. In line with Harrison et al. (2012), our results confirm that no significant differences occur between individuals and groups risk aversion in three-person...
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The context of European Union farms is markedly diverse. This is verified when, for example, several dimensions of the agricultural sector are analyzed, considering variables related with economic, social, or environmental dynamics. Indeed, frequently the farms in EU countries present relevant...
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Abstract Recent developments in identifying economic and social phenomena within the theory and laws of physics do not provide a sufficient basis of information for economists. In this article, an interdisciplinary analysis in microeconomics, is proposed to overcome this limit by establishing a...
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