Showing 1 - 10 of 17
to estimate a consumption function to be used for medium-term forecasting. It is shown that all households behave in a …
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Reformoptionen auf die Finanzierbarkeit des österreichischen Pensionssystems bis zum Jahr 2060. Es werden sowohl Änderungen im Verhalten der Arbeitnehmer (effektives Pensionsantrittsalter) als auch Änderungen des Pensionssystems...
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Die zentrale Stoßrichtung dieses Beitrages ist es, Wege für eine erfolgreiche Familienpolitik aufzuzeigen. Basierend auf einem 16-Ländersample und unter Zuhilfenahme des neuen MVQCA-Ansatzes werden unterschiedliche europäische familienpolitische Regulierungsmuster multivariat untersucht. Die...
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This text presents the results of a study in which we have sought answers to questions of: what kinds of migrant communities exist in Moscow, how they arise and function, what types of people they unite, and how they are structured. Due to the peculiar circumstances encountered by migrants in...
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We analyze the effect of interregional migration on regional unemployment in Italy. With the help of a simple two-region model adapted to the main features of the Italian NorthSouth dualism, we illustrate the effects of labor mobility with and without human capital externalities. Using...
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Im Rahmen der Bund-Länder-Gemeinschaftsaufgabe „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur“ werden zur Förderung strukturschwacher Regionen vor allem Investitionszuschüsse an gewerbliche Betriebe vergeben. Welche Wirkung diese Subventionen gehabt haben, wird in diesem Beitrag mit...
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Who’s your city? For companies in the developing world, this question determines their market sizes, access to innovative ideas, regulatory environment and proximity to innovative staff. In this brief, we identify the most attractive metropolitan areas to locate in to sell in emerging markets....
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We review the empirical evidence on the impact of microcredit on poverty in Bangladesh. Drawing on evidence from seven empirical studies with 306 estimates, we examine the impact of microcredit on three proxies of poverty – income, assets and consumption/expenditure. After addressing issues of...
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The capability approach developed by Sen represents a proposal for the evaluation of individual well-being and social development centered on people and away - but not exclusive- of materiality. In the present article describes the capability approach developed by Sen and examines the importance...
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The conceptual framework of the capability approach proposed by Amartya Sen has never been used specifically in the dynamics of forced displacement or in the analysis of the quality of life of the population victims of the Colombian armed conflict. Reason why, this article affirms that the...
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