Showing 1 - 10 of 18
In recent years, the increasing awarding of patents has captured the attention of scholars operating in different fields. The economic literature has studied the causes of this proliferation; we propose an entry game focusing on one of the consequences, showing how an incumbent may create a...
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This paper explores the role of mass media in people’s perceptions of charismatic leaders, focusing on the case of Junichiro Koizumi, Prime Minister of Japan from 2001 to 2006. Using survey data collected immediately after Koizumi’s 2005 landslide electoral victory, this study empirically...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwiefern die deutschen „Hartz-Reformen“ sowie die Ende 2010 vorgestellten neuen Regelsätze wirtschaftsethisch legitim sind. Orientierung bietet dabei das Modell der integrativen Wirtschaftsethik von Peter Ulrich. Darauf basierend wird außerdem...
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There are several striking peculiarities of the arts labor market that have attracted the attentions of researchers in the last several decades: first is constant long run excess supply of arts labor; second, artists are more likely to be multiple-job-holders than other professions; third,...
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Management decisions must be based on financial data, drawn up by controlling. Especially when it comes to strategic decisions the target is to achieve a comprehensive overview of financial issues like costs and related profits on which to base management decision. In summarisation accountants...
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Objectives-based legislation – or laws which focus on achieving particular and concrete outcomes – has become a new and important tool that financial sector regulators use to tackle large and varied financial system risks. Yet, objectives-based legislation – and the frequent...
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What role does unconventional monetary policy - and particularly unconventional policies like private asset purchases under a quantitative easing or lender of last resort scheme - play in influencing economic growth directly? Emerging and developing countries' central banks could contribute to...
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Brunei must enact an effective competition policy in order to participate as a member in regional trading blocs like the APEC, ASEAN and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. What effect would Brunei’s Competition Order have on Brunei – and specifically its small and medium enterprises or SMEs (the...
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While there is no consensus concerning the legal and moral judgment towards prostitution, there is an overwhelming agreement on the need to fight sexual slavery. The paper shows the effect of clients’ punishment in the market for commercial sex (the so called neo-abolitionism or nordic...
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This paper reconciles the Cournot and Bertrand Models of oligopolistic competition, highlighting its weaknesses and giving an opinion thereafter. The pertinent question in this paper is why Cournot (1838) ignored the price and Bertrand (1883) ignored the quantity? From the review, the main...
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