Showing 1 - 10 of 27
In this paper the issue of mathematical programming and optimization has being revisited. The theory of optimization deals with the development of models and methods that determine optimal solutions to mathematical problems defined. Mathematical model must be some function of any solution that...
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This paper demonstrates the existence of a finite set of equilibria in the case of the indeterminacy of linear rational expectations models. The number of equilibria corresponds to the number of ways to select n eigenvectors among a larger set of eigenvectors related to stable eigenvalues. A...
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This paper examines the effect of measurement error in the dependent variable on quantile regression, because unlike OLS regression, even classical measurement error can generate bias. I examine the pattern and size of the bias using both simulation and an empirical example. The simulations...
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We present the first necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique perfect-foresight solution, returning to a given steady-state, in an otherwise linear model with occasionally binding constraints. We derive further conditions on the existence of a solution in such models,...
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We construct the first algorithm for the perfect foresight solution of otherwise linear models with occasionally binding constraints, with fixed terminal conditions, that is guaranteed to return a solution in finite time, if one exists. We also provide a proof of the inescapability of the...
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Depuis la guerre russe en Ukraine, de nombreux pays européens se sont efforcés de trouver des sources d'énergie alternatives. L'une des réponses consistait à augmenter les importations de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL). En contournant l'utilisation de gazoducs venant de l'Est en construisant...
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Since Russia's war in Ukraine, many European countries have been scrambling to find alternative energy sources. One of the answers was to increase imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). By bypassing the use of pipelines from the East by building LNG terminals, the EU opened up a wider variety...
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In this paper the stop-waiting strategy of Franz Bruss is set into a simple probabilistic framework and applied to the apple share prices from 1984 to 2013. Within the probabilistic framework a heuristic and a mathematical decision rule using the $\Psi$ function is developed. The results are in...
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Where is the most likely position for the last success in n events, if each event has the same probability Pr(A)? What is the probability for the last success? This situation assumes returning successes which is different to the stop waiting problem where a single best event is assumed. We set...
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For many Africans, water is not only the source of life, but also a means of purification and a centre of regeneration. Water rituals and cults, such as 'Mami Wata', lead their followers to liberation of body and spirit. But customary rites can also cause harm. For example, the ancestral use of...
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